for some reason the multiplayer clicked with me here more than anywhere else in the series. The combinations of polarizing vertical map design, ridiculous creative weapon ideas, and pivotal character abilities all gel together to allow for immensely fun plays.
At the time it came out, the futuristic vibe was considered played out, but I've come to look back on Infinite's artstyle the most fondly in the series.
The weapons deserve a special mention here, as being able to split a gun into two separate weapons for melee or as smaller pistols really left an impression on me, and many of the the variants of weapons are fascinating. Had it been handled with a less corporate mindset, I'm sure the soul of it would be much more accessible.

The first two infamous games seemed like safe sony filler, but ended up being somewhat risk-taking and inspired if a bit flawed. This one wanted to appear as if it was taking even more risks-- new main character, drastically new setting and threats, and a ton of new powers-- However this instalment is easily the least inspired and felt like it was made solely by suits going off the framework of what made other sony franchises successful. Nobody's expecting something as good as Zeke ever again or maybe even all the cool side missions, but this game doesn't even come close.
Also worth noting, the multiple powers are cool to advertise the game on but what you end up with is none of them being elaborated on as much as Cole's. Everything that does work about this game comes off as tacked on, with even the new enemy factions and map design seeming as generic as possible. There aren't really any redeeming parts of this game aside from the graphical effects for the neon abilities, to the point you're left with a game that just tediously wears away your interest.

Kinda crazy how universally enjoyed this game was to get so many sequels, definitely one of the most memorable little puzzle games with quite a lot of meat to it. Dozens of ways to approach it, tons of little side endeavors and challenges, and a special care to nuanced enemy variety, it really has it all for such a modest game. If there's anymodern game to show your kids in the future, it's probably this one.