Really enjoy this jrpg style game. Am also happy with the plot (at least where I'm at at around 9 hours in). Don't want to reveal any spoilers, but it feels a bit different than the usual jrpg plot formula. Also enjoy the active combat that's inspired by super Mario rpg. Combat feels fresh with the ability to prevent the enemy from casting by hitting them with the right types of attacks

Absolutely loved the game. Few times where I felt stuck, and accidentally skipped some rooms yet still progressed the game. Felt a bit long in the end, but overall a good time

Such a great action adventure game. Loved the story too

Really enjoyed this game. Felt like there were some empty parts of the world that felt a chore to get through, but overall the gameplay and story were satisfying

One of my favorite games of all time. You can tell how hard the devs worked and poured their heart & soul into this game. I love that the game can make you feel strong emotions about certain story beats. It's like it listens to you as a player and responds accordingly

One of my favorite open world action rpgs of all time. Could not recommend this game enough

Really enjoyed the gameplay loop. Upgrading your ship was a rewarding experience, and had a fun time with the mechanic involved in catching the fish. Also enjoyed the little narrative that was in this game.