109 reviews liked by SombreroSamurai

pretty good game overall, with some flaws and classic bethesda jankiness here and there. the quests and RPG elements very much outshine the actual space exploration in here, and that's fine, i wasn't really expecting no mans sky levels of exploration and there wasn't really anything that kept me from finishing the game. touching down on the old solar system planets and discovering what happened to earth was pretty stunning. i technically finished the main quest but will definitely keep playing for a bit longer while i complete more side quests and activities, might create a second character to fully try the NG+ stuff. highly recommend playing it if you can!

Bethesda had a lot to live up with this thanks to it being a while since a completely brand new game in the vein of Elder Scrolls/Fallout and longer since a big new IP. Did they succeed?

Yes and no. Basically if you dont like Bethesda games already, this isnt going to win you over. NPCs are still awkward, the AI isnt the best, the game has quite a fair amount of random bugs and issues everywhere and the main story falls flat and doesnt add a ton.

Where this absolutely succeeds however and is part of the reason I have been losing hour after hour without realising it is the scope of the game. One issue ive usually had with Bethesda's games is it often goes 'Ah! Heres the big city!' and its just ten people and a dog.

Not the case here. Cities feel ALIVE, they feel big, open, bustling and full of details, hidden spots, curios and clutter. Not just that but the entire element of space exploration, basically Bethesda 'borrowing' elements of No Mans Sky wholesale work very well. It all leads to an absolute timesink of a game as you chase quests, fetch things, kill pirates and talk people down... all while also being an absolute kleptomaniac and stealing anything that isnt nailed down.

Its honestly a joy to play and feels right at home with Elder Scrolls and Fallout... I do wish the storylines and characters were tighter but otherwise? A lot of fun.

this game is fun. no, it's not baldurs gate 3. have i heard about that game? i have, i dont care for it, im busy playing games i like and think are fun. stop comparing games that have nothing to do with each other on any microscopic level. get an ssd, install some easy to use mods, and play, its a good time.

committed the cardinal sin of enjoying Starfield... may god have mercy on my soul.

I loved my time with this game. Everything about the characters and side quests was so damn good. It reminded me once again that Bethesda understands its audience when given the backing and resources to do so. When the acquisition was announced I was skeptical about the future of BGS, but it’s clear to me now that this was the best-case scenario from all ends.

The storytelling was tremendous. Starting as a know-nothing miner on the verge of greatness was a unique perspective to begin from. The stakes built nice and slowly but when the pieces were finally linked together, it all made perfect sense. I don’t want to spoil the game in any way but the story was well done and very enjoyable. Being able to participate in questlines involving every single available faction was a blessing. Having the option to side with multiple groups throughout the Settled Systems was a blast because you would hear NPCs in all corners discussing your choices and spreading their opinion, and it gave much more freedom than being forced to choose one group over the others. Even in the final moments, the choices made during those quests were expanded on sufficiently. Each faction wraps up in the finale and I was glad to see that they were not forgotten.

Constellation is full of unique characters and I would have loved to journey with each and every member, but Sarah was the only companion that I utilized from start to finish. There have been very good things said about Sam and Andreja, but maybe I will hear their stories in future playthroughs.

Despite my enjoyment, there are some issues with the game. Space in general is such an expansive space but the traversal is abysmal. You spend very little time exploring space and are essentially spending time shuffling through menus rather than exploring. The concept is there and the mindset is there, but it seems they skipped a step in making the space-exploration aspect worthwhile. Most of the time outside of planetary ventures is spent boosting through the sky and fast traveling to the next destination. There is no real purpose for having an amazing vessel because it is utilized very infrequently. If not for choosing the bounty hunter perk, I feel as though there would be little to do in space once you’ve seen the views a couple of times. Yes, the storytelling, choices, and factions take centerstage, but it would’ve been much more interesting if there was more to do out there. Personally, this did not take away from my experience too much because I wasn’t expecting this to be a Star Wars adventure, however, if they can take this weakness and turn it around in the DLC for a future game, it would be the perfect package.

From a technical standpoint, the game ran atrociously on my Xbox Series S. Things looked beautiful and I never ran into as many bugs as I did playing Fallout 4, but the lack of overall optimization for this version was very noticeable. My game crashed way too often which forced me to restart segments on multiple occasions. At one point my save file would not load at all which forced me to load an older save file just to return to the game. Surprisingly there haven’t been any updates since launch which would have been greatly appreciated.

Here’s hoping the game is ironed out by the time the DLC expansions arrive because I would hate for anyone to experience the number of crashes that plagued my first run with the game.

Eu não fazia ideia que precisava de um Interstellar Simulator até colocar as mãos nesse jogo. Muito obrigado, Todd Howard!!

Starfield é facilmente uma das melhores experiências que já tive com um game, foram duas semanas dormindo e acordando pensando nessa maravilha. O que mais me cativou nele foi a exploração, foram horas e mais horas pulando de planeta em planeta só pra chegar lá e ficar mais algumas horas apenas admirando a vista e procurando estruturas abandonadas (ou não tão abandonadas assim), pra alguns isso vai parecer extremamente tedioso, mas pra mim foram as horas mais divertidas que já tive em um bom tempo.

**E não entendam errado, em nenhum momento o game te obriga a sair por aí explorando uma caralhada de planetas, isso foi uma escolha MINHA! Vocês conseguem zerar o game tranquilamente sem a parte da exploração.

Adorei o game. Ótimas quests e escrita, liberdade enorme, ótimos personagens, a história é foda e o final é incrível pra caralho. É decepcionante como ele simplesmente erra em alguns quesitos básicos que eu achei que a Bethesda não ia errar (tipo essa parada dos loadings enormes), but anyway... ótimo jogo.

One of those games that just feels truly depressing to play. Not what most people wanted, but an artistic statement that will stand the test of time.

Starfield é muito esquisito.

Ele tem inúmeros defeitos que eu poderia elencar e detalhar, como o excesso de telas de carregamento e menus que travam a imersão, burrice artificial, combate fraco e problemas na qualidade de vida que vão sendo corrigidos em alguns mods ou atualizações aqui e ali.

O curioso é que nada disso tirou o brilho do jogo. O silêncio e a sensação de ir para vários planetas e galáxias é de arrepiar, pois me fez sentir minúsculo perante todo o Universo. O que eu mais curti foram as personagens, a história principal e algumas missões secundárias, além da jogabilidade com as naves e o sistema de upgrades, mesmo que alguns, a exemplo da melhoria do peso que você carrega, poderiam ser apenas itens. Outra coisa: a música tema é lindíssima!

Entre erros e acertos, ele se tornou bem divertido e passei horas jogando sem perceber. Seja paciente, o game demora a engrenar.

Nota Final: 78/100 - Entre menus e loadings a saída é fazer valer a pena 🎵🚀