The first game I remember playing. It was on my Dad’s phone as a little kid. As a Sonic fan I have a lot of nostalgia for this game but it still holds up as really good game over 30 years later.

One of my favorite games of all time. I have a lot of nostalgia for this game as it was the first console game I ever played and was a staple of my childhood but even now it’s still an amazing game that branched out the scope of a Mario game to never before seen heights with a story and atmosphere that I think are my favorite of any of the 3D Mario platformers.

One of my favorite games of all time. I’m a massive Spider-Man fan but even I was blown away by how good this game is. The combat? Incredible. You feel the weight of each attack and it’s satisfying every time you knock a guy out. The swinging? Exhilarating. You get to do all sorts of crazy moves while also feeling in total control. There’s fast travel in the game but you don’t even need it because you move at such great speeds. Side missions? Fun with a massive variety to choose from. They are so many collectibles and there are several different villains you can fight through the side missions. The story? One of the most engaging Spider-Man stories ever which gives us possibly my favorite interpretation of Peter Parker ever. If you haven’t played this game, go try it out. It’s amazing, no pun intended. Can’t wait for Spider-Man 2.


…it’s pong. Pretty self explanatory. The only reason it’s here is because I’m trying to log every game I can find that I’ve played and this technically counts. It’s one of the first games ever made though not THE first like many thing. It’s very simple isn’t really much to play now but it’s harmless and does hold a special place as one of the first ever video games.

It’s been a while since the last mainline Mario game and that goes for 2D or 3D. The series returns with another 2D adventure and it does not disappoint. This is easily my favorite 2D Mario game ever made with really good level design, tight controls, and something creative happening in nearly every level. If I had one complaint I’d say a few collectibles can be way too obscure to find but that is a small thing in an otherwise near perfect 2D Mario game.

What I thought would be a pretty simple and average platformer with a bare bones narrative is actually a shockingly expansive Metroidvania with a lot of legitimately funny dialogue and cutscenes, and an actually interesting world. I was pleasantly surprised by this little game.

This is one of the most classic games in history. Unlike pong though, I legitimately find it to be pretty fun. Plus the titular space invaders are iconic.

Yeah I know this may seem like a pretty high score for this game but…it’s Pac-Man. And almost every Pac-Man game is a great time. Of all the super retro games, this is probably my favorite. Nearly anyone can enjoy a round of Pac-Man. Never has a character design so simple been so iconic and Pac-Man truly is an icon. But it all started here with a legitimately great game about chomping ghosts.

As a fan of Undertale, I greatly enjoyed Deltarune chapter 1. The music was great, the combat is engaging, combining more traditional RPG elements with Undertale’s combat, and the characters were very endearing. I think my favorite is probably Susie. It is worth noting though that this a very small piece of a much bigger story and you should know that going it. It along with Chapter 2 is completely free so I highly recommend it.

You play as Jump Man (Mario) on a quest to save your girlfriend, Lady (Pauline) who has been kidnapped by the original Donkey Kong (Cranky Kong). This game is obviously known as the first appearance of Donkey Kong (although not the current day Donkey Kong. The version in this game would later become Cranky Kong), Mario, and Pauline. It’s pretty simple. You just climb up construction girders to get to DK and you must avoid obstacles he throws at you. You do a couple short stages and then the cycle repeats and you try to get a highscore. It’s okay but the impact it has had on gaming is truly remarkable.

Galaga has always reminded me of Space Invaders but I actually enjoy it quite a lot more than Space Invaders. Space invaders was all about aliens invading you but in Galaga, you’re taking the fight to them. The controls feel tighter, there’s a nice variety of enemies, and I love the way that you can see space in the background and how your ship is flying through it. I really enjoy this one. I think a lot of people know Galaga as that one old game that was referenced in The Avengers, but I know it as a really fun retro game.

What is there to say about Dig Dug aside from being a decently fun game? Well how about how bizarrely morbid it is. You know the pookas? The little red guys with yellow goggles? They’re iconic, arguably more so than Taizo Hori/Dig Dug himself. Well the whole game involves you finding them and inflating them until they explode. Very oddly violent considering the happy exterior. Still a fun game.

Frogger is a pretty simple game. You cross roads and ponds to get to the other side. It’s pretty fun but the Frogger formula has been done in much more interesting ways by not only it’s own franchise but so many others.

I like Qbert way more than I should. It’s a fun game with a decent gameplay loop and challenge but maybe it’s because I find Qbert the character so endearing or because I love Wreck-It Ralph and Qbert has a role in that but for some reason I love Qbert. It’s always satisfying to complete a grid.

The game lives up to its name because Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is…a treasure Trove! Shovel Knight is a 2d platformer where you, as the titual knight go on a grand adventure to beat up the various bosses and defeat The Enchantress. Shovel Knight can dig with his shovel and use it as pogo stick which leads to some really fun and difficult platforming. The game is also home to a lot of awesome boss fights that feel very unique. And some of them have their own campaigns within this Treasure Trove. First up is Plague Knight. He’s very different and his attacks and platforming capabilities utilize his ability to throw potions. His play style can take some getting used to but once you get in the rhythm, it’s super fun. The best part about Plague Knight’s campaign though, is the dynamic between him and his assistant Mona. I won’t say anything else but it is incredibly entertaining and endearing. You better cherish those moments too because next up is Specter Knight with a much darker and tragic tale. The story here is interesting because you see how the group of Knights that were the main game’s bosses were formed. You see plenty of flashbacks that show how Specter Knight got to this point and I recommend you see it for yourself. While his story may be sad, his gameplay is a ton of fun. Imagine playing as a skating, dashing, grim reaper and that’s basically what you get with Specter Knight. Kind of helps to distract from his tragic tale but if we need even more levity, simply look to King Knight’s campaign. A bombastic adventure of comedy where King Knight tries to become King of the cards. King Knight is basically Wario and it makes the journey as insane as it sounds. The gameplay too is reminiscent of Wario, specifically the Wario Land games. Pulling of platforming chains is super satisfying and King Knight proved to be another fun character with another fun campaign. Finally there’s a fighting game mode which is basically Smash Bros but with the mechanics of Shovel Knight. Not too crazy but clearly had a lot of effort put in. This whole game is incredibly impressive. The original campaign is already great but successfully making 4 separate campaigns where the main character feels very different but is still very fun is such an accomplishment and so is this game as a whole. Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove gets a big recommendation from me.