The most unexceptional 2D Mario game that has ever been conceived. I can remember maybe 1 or 2 levels, and I just fully beat this game a month ago.

Spare change vs. god simulator

This would be a 4 star around the full release, however, each subsequent update pushed the game in a different direction that was less interesting than the original.

I think Ivy Sly could code world peace

Amazing narrative game. The best fetch quests are the ones where its part puzzle, part story. This game does that.

Not as good as the first due to changes that do the opposite of their intention and a narrative that feels more contained then the supposed conspiracy web of the first game.

I love this game. Amazing narrative experience with a very unique gameplay idea that does not overstay its welcome while also continually introducing new ideas.

This game is actually not that bad but it has genuinely made my dreams be formatted like this game

Great games that deserved this collection

With each game in the franchise the story grew more contrived and the atmosphere was less engaging. While the characters are still good, this game felt like a slog through repeated tropes and little to no new ideas.

Not as good as the first, but a very interesting story although a bit contrived at the end. The characters still shine as the game's strong suit.