gordon freeman is 27 years old in this game. must be burning the candle at both ends. MIT was working that ass. you look like shit man

three years removed from his apex performance as 'the wheelchair guy' in scary movie 2, david cross is called upon to record voice clips ranging from "locked and loaded!" to "uh, can these guys even aim??" for another legendary sequel. in two years time he will be contacted by kevin james collaborateur andy fickman to play the principal in she's the man. all for the good of an undeserving nation


"You got a pecan for a brain."

Almost unrivaled as an evocation of setting. As an NO native nothing quite matches the intimate specificity that NORCO touches on, especially in a medium that rarely delves deeper than French Quarter caricature. Married with a brilliant thematic structure and devastating mood; the real Norco region is a cruelly perfect setting for sprawling petro-dystopia.

Very charming and brisk. The dash abillity introduces an expressive quality to exploration, and I imagine the rollerblades contribute some interest to speedrunning scenarios. I also adore the battle sprites, fashioned after their overworld counterparts as to deny the assumption that the latter are only abstractions of the former. Not bad!


good game about the infinite violence of life

damn it really is
a dog's life

I learned everything I know about market capitalism from monochromon's shop

for this game is SICK, it suppurates with good game juice

unthinkable that you should be made to choose between Sonia and the I'M FIGHTING FOR FREEDOM soundbite. there is also a third guy

tell your children not to walk my way

Jean Reno beats a teenager to death with his bare hands in this game