Improvement over HR but its still just fine and not as good as the OG game

They finally fixed the bosses

Adam jensen's cool,the stealths good and the combats good but this is nowhere near as interesting mechanically or narratively as the original.

Good game based on real atrocities and folklore . The atmosphere and enemy design are great.

I hope God exists just so every EA exec that ruined this game/franchise can burn in hell

The best shooting mechanics in any game ever made the rest can be a hit or miss.

You either get it or you dont.

Its a good game but nowhere near as good as Arkanes other output.

Alies to DS1s Alien. More action oriented but incredibly fun with amazing set pieces.

Amazing atmosphere and unique enemies one of the definitive HD era horror game

Fantastic Visuals, Sound , Gameplay but the remake does try to make it a bit more open and ruin the flow/pace of the original game.

It is a game with deadpool in it alright.

The gores pretty sick ngl and its short so overall a pretty good experience.