This one hurted cant cap what a disappointment

Nobody is seeing me with teen gohan SS2


if you dont main the spear you stink

World 3 fucking stinks but god damn this game is elite

Most fun i had playing a game with my brother

Solidified kratos as the most raw mf in the gaming genre im not tryna hear anything else

Beginning of greatness😩

This game is unrivaled under the sun if you read you’re now obligated to “buy” (just torrent this shit) and enjoy the best indie game out or you’re from wales aka a sheep fucker

who ever made the control layout your mother sicks of sheep and your dad is a filthy nonce that shit was atrocious i hope you lose ever sliver of happiness you dumb cow

This game is gods gift to earth the amount of godlike mini games this game spawned is unrivaled god bless every nigga at bungie who made this

ill never forget the time i got imposter 6 times in a row and straight up spun these bozos in a web of lies and won all the games