A bit less exciting to play the story than the first game but still a good game.


This game is as good as it is bad.
It's fun to explore the repetitive world and fight the repetitive dungeons.
The classes are fun and combat is kind of boring.
It's like the perfect 50/50 split of being fun and lame at once.
No idea how they managed to do it but for a free game you actually get a couple hours out of it and have a good time.


Gave it a try, seen pretty much all of it somewhere at some point.
Nothing I felt was really innovative or catchy, that other games hadn't done yet.

Probably one of the most disappointing Lego games I've played.
From the tutorial on I felt bored and messed around more than anything else.

Me and a friend rented a server and played the game for about a week or so and had a decent time with it until we found out that being a server admin basically lets you have the platinum trophy within maybe 2-3 minutes, so we did it and shortly after lost interest in it.
The game felt a bit slow and the only fun thing we had was building giant bases, summoning gods and fighting each other until it got too repetitive.
Similar issue to Ark - it's just not my type of game. But it was fun for what it was.

Oh boy, was I excited about this game.
Me and my brother pre-ordered it and had the wildest imaginations about the game and how it could possibly be and it delivered almost none of it.
This isn't the game's fault. The game actually is pretty fun, has some neat ideas, an astonishing and gorgeous look to it and after a couple updates even an almost acceptable battle system. (Yeah, still not too happy about that)
I think the biggest issue with this game is the way it got advertised.
THQ Nordic created a big hype around it, posted collector's boxes and sold it as the master piece many expected it to be.
The following YEARS we saw nothing but maybe the same 5-10 minute gameplay showcase of the same spot every couple months if any and that's it.
All we had was a small trailer and the idea of what this game is supposed to be, which raised false, or simply too high expectations that the game couldn't keep up with eventually.
The game is fun for what it is if you didn't follow it pre-release.
If you ever see it being on sale - give it a shot and try it out.

Fun game with a unique mechanic to it.
I've never played the first title and only got this through PS+, I think.
But it's actually pretty fun to play around with and serves as a great multiplayer with friends.

Felt pretty weird to play.
The concept is nice but the options to this game would be Raft and Subnautica. Both of which deliver a better feeling and better gameplay compared to Stranded Deep.

Similar vibes to Dragonball Xenoverse and I'm not the biggest fan of both of them.
Not as horrible as Jump Force, a close 3rd place.

I mainly played the game for its platinum trophy on PS4 (which I didn't even complete) and it turned out to be a decent game.
Didn't expect it to be any good so I was surprised when the game actually had a few points to it that were actually good.
Nothing I would play too often, but I might revisit it for the platinum trophy one day.

Surprisingly fun for what I expected from it.
The "story" is pretty much what I expected from a badass shark swimming around and eating people and other animals.
Unlocking different body parts was neat and some of them looked quite nice.
Only real downside of this game was, that it just doesn't catch my attention too much and I ended up starting a giant war against the military near a coast and killed hundreds of humans and their boats rather than progressing in the game way too many times.
But overall it's a sweet game for what it is and I can imagine after a while I could actually replay it again.

Probably the single best game to ever exist.
The story is a flat 10/10 and the character design is just phenomenal.
It has just the right balance of action and deep story which makes it so perfect.
I hope one day they'll bring a 2nd title or at least a smaller DLC/side game!

The game itself was fine, but I couldn't get any focus on it when I played it.
I got lost and distracted by so many things in the game, that I forgot what I was having to do quite a couple of times.
One day I will replay the whole series and then update my thoughts about this game, but as of right now it didn't really catch me.

My entry game into the "Tales of" series.
The story turned out to be decent and the gameplay was pretty fun too.
I wouldn't have minded for it to be a little faster in pace but I'm thankful for what it is, because it was a nice entry point for me into the rest of the franchise and made me appreciate them a lot more than before.