Not my type of game but I can see why people like it.

Bought it expecting some kind of Left 4 Dead clone and turns out to be a pretty fun game actually.
I don't fully get behind the unlocks but I guess you have to have some form of progression system, even though it is a bit too slow for my liking and there just isn't enough missions to play really.
On the other hand it is kind of good that there aren't too many as it can get repetitive really quickly if they overdo it.
Generally I'd say this game if fun for what it is and worth a purchase if it's cheap on a sale.

It was a fun game. Replaying all the campaign by switching sides was fun.
The RNG in the card shop was a little annoying especially once you had like 740/750 cards from one character, knowing that you probably could've gotten 1000 different new cards from other people instead of finishing this one collection, but it was easy enough to get all the points.
Overall pretty fun game, pace in the duels was fast enough and had a pretty look to it.

The game tried. I've played the beta of it on PC and had a decent amount of fun with it.
When it released I bought it on PS4 and the entire feeling was gone after I had a break from it.
I'll always give them credit for starting the trend of asymmetrical multiplayers like that. A couple massive games are based on their idea and just made it better.

It's alright for what it is. Nothing that really blew my mind, though.

I tried to get into the game for a couple hours and nearly forced myself to play through it, but I couldn't quite have fun with it and can't really point my finger on what was wrong with it.

I started playing this in 2011 on my PS3 and actually did play it actively for a while.
My league tried to speedrun T3 and T4 raids until quite a lot of people left so we got more into PvP. First of Arena and later on focused mostly on Legends PvP.
When the game came out on PS4 I did play it for a couple years until I started raising up new accounts on PC that I mainly played until ~2018.
On release for the Nintendo Switch I only recreated a couple of my main toons to save them and never really played them.
I have ~1200 hours of playtime on PC and maybe ~2000 hours on PS, both including a lot of AFK times while playing other games etc.

I played it at a time before I had played any Dark Souls games, was super bad at it and entirely abandoned the game as I lacked the motivation to git gud.
Might retry it one day, but probably not.

Relaxing game. Played it for about 22-23 hours on Steam to get everything done.
Some puzzles were tricky to figure out at first and took me a while but I ended up replaced all the water with land, destroyed all the structures I could and build myself a cool island.
Would love to play this as a multiplayer one day.

During the beta phases I actually prefered Battleborn over Overwatch and ended up playing both at release.
However, Battleborn died off super fast due to Overwatch just simply overshadowing it to a point where it was nearly unplayable, which is unfortunate, as this game was actually a lot of fun and had some cool mechanics to it.

When a Monster Hunter and a Fortnite love each other a lot, then this game happend and it is more fun than I thought it would be.
For a free game this offers decent amount of content and is absolutely worth the time.
Can't complain about any major things for as far as I've played though it.

Why... why did you have to be so bad?
The story is absolutely horrible, the overworld is bad, a lot of the move sets are just weird and spamming a single attack is usually good enough to get things done.
Only fun thing about it was battling a friend right at release and being the biggest pain in the ass by playing Yugi and spamming Black Magician Girl on him.

Actually fun to play with friends and compete with each other.

Cute game with interesting ideas, neat puzzles that don't get too repetitive over time and funny dialogues.
Started playing the game with little to no expectations and got surprised about how fun this game turned out to be.
Can only suggest to give it a shot.

Even though the Warriors titles are super repetitive and the combat is even more repetitive (Square, Square, Triangle for 20 minutes while running in circles) the game was still catchy.
I've played Pirate Warriors 3, 4, a couple Orochi Warriors titles and more and liked all of them, because I play them with the expectation of mindless spanking of masses of NPCs.
And if you play it knowing what a Warriors title will offer you, then you can have a great time.
Almost got the platinum trophy on PS4 done for this one. Might finish it one day.