(Played on X/X-2 HD)
Pretty much has everything I've come to like about final fantasy. Combat is fun, and being able to swap characters out in battle encourages you to mess around with different formations more so than previous games (At least of the ones I've played so far). Also like how open ended the sphere grid is while still making each character feel unique. Really dig the tropical aesthetic as well, which is made better by the great ost. Story is pretty cool too.

It's a neat little racing game. I personally didn't really mind the way it controls and its fun figuring out the different ways to traverse the tracks. Also of course has the jammin soundtrack.

Probably the only mobile game I'll put on my list just because I've been playing somewhat regularly for about 4 years now. An absolute tumor !! pretty f2p friendly doe

One of the first actual games I played as a wee lad, its not terrible from what I remember when I replayed a couple years back

Sick as hell once you actually figure out how to play. Shame this series will likely never come back.

Fun little rhythm game with lots of charm and a pretty good selection of songs. It's definitely designed to be played with the maraca accessories which I don't have. Still had fun just using a controller though, even if it does probably make the game easier.