It just didn't grab me. I would have liked a less "cartoony" setting than XCOM, but it's very similar.
In general, this games feels way too close to XCOM, for my taste.

Designing a custom zoo is fun and the animals very well done and animated.
The management side of the game is not very interesting though. Once you figure out how to balance the staff, buildings, animals, it becomes boring.
I recommend it if you like to customize stuff in detail, not if you are looking for a challange in management.

I lost patience after 2 hours. The game requires you to mine stuff just to exist. Feels tedious. Not for me.

Not for me. Don't think I like these old-school shooters.

Seems like a pretty average top-down survival game, on first impressions. I doubt that I'll have the motivation to return to this with many good alternatives that I already know I like.

While the game itself is awesome, this digital implementation is very barebones. It works but is very minimal.

You can believe the negativity around this one. I don't even know where to begin:
- The maps are visually super dark and monotonous
- The objective system is very bad and leads to boringness. Why not keep the victory points from DOW2?
- There is no cover system, which makes it much less tactical
- The elites feel out of place and make normal units look like a joke

This is probably my favorite game. The storytelling is amazing. The atmosphere is great. Soundtrack is so so good.
The weakest part is pobably the combat, but it's still fun.

I really like it. Very easy to learn and get into.
For me personally it doesn't have the depth to sink hundreds of hours into, though.
And technically it's no well optimized. Even high-end PCs struggle with large cities. I think it's using only one CPU core.

After having played Anno 1800, Tropico 5 seemed very mediocre to me. They are different games, but still, the difference in quality between the games is astounding.

In Tropico 5, I don't like how the quests reward you for basic buildings. It incentivizes you to not do anything until the right quest randomly pops up.

Also, the stats and graphs (super important part in an economic game, to know what is going on) leave a lot to be desired.

The music and setting is cool though.

Still, re-downloading Anno 1800...

Really solid visually and from a sound and UI design point of view.
It uses AOE2 as a basis and adds/changes some things: more unique civs, stealth forests, archers on walls and matches that get to the interesting parts quicker.
I'm really enjoying playing it and would recommend it (even if you haven't played an RTS before, the in-game tutorials and resources are really good).

The levels in the campaign are the perfect difficulty for my taste. I'm really enjoying it.
Don't go in expecting a polished game, though, it's very "raw".

It's definetly an innovative idea.
However I don't think the game expains it's mechanisms (like shares) too well.
The end of games also feels anticlimactic and abrupt to me.
That said, I have only played skirmish and can't judge the campaign.

Such a good game, so polished, so good on so many levels.