Its okay. I find the statistics about the finances very confusing and badly laid out. Is it profitablity per month, per year? How is the reward for transporting goods calculated? Does it even make sense to build a shorter route?
This is not explained anywhere and makes it feel intransparent and confusing.
It also feels somewhat artificial? The choices made here of what to abstract away and what not, don't feel right to me

All of that said... Once you get used to its weird intransparent logic it can be quite addicting.

You can believe the negativity around this one. I don't even know where to begin:
- The maps are visually super dark and monotonous
- The objective system is very bad and leads to boringness. Why not keep the victory points from DOW2?
- There is no cover system, which makes it much less tactical
- The elites feel out of place and make normal units look like a joke

There is a one second lag when giving a unit an order. Might sound silly but this is a complete dealbreaker.
An RTS has to feel responsive.

I don't usually like plattformers, but this one is excellent. So much fun!

Really solid visually and from a sound and UI design point of view.
It uses AOE2 as a basis and adds/changes some things: more unique civs, stealth forests, archers on walls and matches that get to the interesting parts quicker.
I'm really enjoying playing it and would recommend it (even if you haven't played an RTS before, the in-game tutorials and resources are really good).

While the game itself is awesome, this digital implementation is very barebones. It works but is very minimal.

It's definetly an innovative idea.
However I don't think the game expains it's mechanisms (like shares) too well.
The end of games also feels anticlimactic and abrupt to me.
That said, I have only played skirmish and can't judge the campaign.


Normally I don’t care about the gameplay in these walking simulator games, but the story is pretty boring? So the gameplay being original but boring was a problem for me. The game just didn‘t do anything for me. Visually it‘s nice though and seems to be made with love.

This is probably my favorite game. The storytelling is amazing. The atmosphere is great. Soundtrack is so so good.
The weakest part is pobably the combat, but it's still fun.

When I play a game from a genre I usually don't enjoy, thats high praise. With Hollow Knight I'm not just playing it, but really enjoying it on the Steam Deck. The sounds and visuals alone are so enjoyable. The gameplay, progression, level design is top notch, too. Only thing I'm afraid of is it might become too hard for me later.
I kinda lost interest at some point. Progress was getting slower, I couldn't remember the spots to revisit. Metroidvanias might not be for me, after all.

This game is solid!
It's like a streamlined XCOM. Less time fiddling with systems and more time actually playing the missions.

- The Gears presentation is eh... a matter of taste.
- The mandatory side quests are very boring and unnecessary (I lost interest in act 2, after 17 hours)

I don't usually like roguelikes but this one just feels so good to play. Can recommend.

Not for me. Don't think I like these old-school shooters.

For a game that's all about getting inmersed in it, it ran too choppy on my PC. Couldn't get into it.

I have really good memories of playing it. It's a great game!