The Chinese Room actually made a good game.

Wish I could give negative stars. Nobody making this gave a single shit.

What a complete waste of resources. The most expensive walking simulator ever made. Makes the original game look like an arcade game.

Baby's first action platformer. Neat looking title hold back by its uneven balancing. 90% of the game is very easy, but then it hits you with trial & error moments that instantly teleport you back to the start of the stage. Most bosses also get softlocked instantly by using certain weapons but then are a nightmare to hit without them.

Perfect entry into the survival horror genre. Unfortunately, it is way too easy for veteran players. Most enemies and traps can easily be bypassed without much trouble. Some great puzzles and optional hidden extras though. Would love for the devs to further iterate on it.

Sadly the unique twist on Punch Out doesn't evolve past the first few fights.

Current rating entirely based on the single player. Interested to get the full experience with other people through private servers.

What if Giorgos Lanthimos played Ico

Makes the writing of the original Resident Evil look like a fucking masterpiece. The combat system has some pretty neat ideas, but it ultimately ruined by the repetitive structure and enemy placements.

My only real complaint is that harder difficulties increase the RNG factor too much which only leads to more early restarts instead of actually interesting choices. Otherwise, it's a perfectly executed idea I still play nearly every night.

Gave up half an hour in after still waiting for a single puzzle.

Interesting concepts stuck in a game that doesn't really work as a replayable cooperative title due to its restrictive and repetitive mission structure.