Sadly the unique twist on Punch Out doesn't evolve past the first few fights.

Current rating entirely based on the single player. Interested to get the full experience with other people through private servers.

What if Giorgos Lanthimos played Ico

Makes the writing of the original Resident Evil look like a fucking masterpiece. The combat system has some pretty neat ideas, but it ultimately ruined by the repetitive structure and enemy placements.

My only real complaint is that harder difficulties increase the RNG factor too much which only leads to more early restarts instead of actually interesting choices. Otherwise, it's a perfectly executed idea I still play nearly every night.

Gave up half an hour in after still waiting for a single puzzle.

Interesting concepts stuck in a game that doesn't really work as a replayable cooperative title due to its restrictive and repetitive mission structure.

Instead of trying to force a "so bad it's good" game, the devs make an honest homage that lovingly pokes fun at the weird visual aesthetic while infusing it with actual competent gameplay. Still a little rough around the edges and not as non-linear as it first appears.

Fun little puzzle game that doesn't quite know in what direction it wants to expand its core concept. The DLC is much stronger in that regard, but still a little bit too repetitious. Also recommend mouse controls over playing on console.

The water looks good sometimes

Just utterly devoid of inspiration. Everything technically works, though in the most underdeveloped form you can imagine. Even the core premise is instantly undercut by your dead partner going with every choice you make for them. No conflict at all.

Online is already dead and the few matches I played gave me no reason to actually want the stability to improve. Pretty much Splatoon without the holistic design approach mixed with uninspired hero shooter mechanics. Oh, and it's already filled with overpriced cosmetics.

Banger soundtrack tho.