"Hey, let's make one fight into a 30 hour game!"

Wish the game was built around more of the badge system instead of the random wonder gimmicks, most of which amount to nothing more than an overly simplified set piece.

If this game ever gets a native PC port like the Jak games, please let me remove the Clank levels.

Remedy's comedic horror writing and cinematography keeps being their biggest strength. I respect the direction of the new combat system, but it's sadly undermined by poor encounter design, level structure and balance issues.

Refreshing to play a horror game that can still surprise you with its narrative even if the gameplay sections could've been executed better

You can literally see the team running out of time (or rather budget) the further you get into the collection.

This is what a playable documentary should strive to be.

An interesting conversion mod that needs a lot of refinement and probably a new engine to truly shine. The dark atmosphere, claustrophobic level design as well as intelligent enemy placement is held back by a poor inventory system, padding through needless backtracking and an unengaging combat system.

Still, Cry of Fear offers very well thought out set pieces and nightmare sequences. If only the story wasn't hampered by edgy schlock written and a female character that basically exists for shock value.

While the game is badly paced and poorly written in a lot of places, the ending is so strong and earned that I have a hard time not recommending it to fans of the series just to experience the emotional wrecking ball of the last hour.


Online is already dead and the few matches I played gave me no reason to actually want the stability to improve. Pretty much Splatoon without the holistic design approach mixed with uninspired hero shooter mechanics. Oh, and it's already filled with overpriced cosmetics.

Banger soundtrack tho.

Just utterly devoid of inspiration. Everything technically works, though in the most underdeveloped form you can imagine. Even the core premise is instantly undercut by your dead partner going with every choice you make for them. No conflict at all.