Played on Switch

What a fun motorcycle game! It has fun gameplay and it runs pretty smooth. For me personally, it doesn't get boring. I do think there could've been more tracks which Vs fixes but it's still a fun game nonetheless.


This one was awesome. I really enjoyed playing this game. It was simple, but for me that really helps it. If I'm in the mood for a story game but not one that's intense or hard, then this would be my go to because it's simple, fun, and light. You could say it's like a 3D Mario game because you go from world to world battling enemies and doing the same amount of levels before getting to the boss fight with the main villain's minion until you get to him. It's not a rip off, it's just similar. The repetitiveness doesn't affect me because it switches it up a bit with new landscaping, layouts, enemies, and stuff like supercharging to make the game more exciting. I think the worlds in this look beautiful. The design and layouts are amazing and I thought the graphics were top tier. This looks different from the PS1 version because updated graphics and everything, but this is a remaster/remake. The worlds are all creative with the enemies and levels too. I thought the enemies were well thought out because they get harder each world and the weapons they have are imaginative. It's a lot of fun fighting the various enemies and figuring out how to beat them. It gets easy when you figure it out, but it's still fun nonetheless. The characters in the game are also cool. Spyro is a very fun lead for the game and Gnasty Gnorc is a fantastic villain. He is the perfect antagonist for Spyro's first adventure. He's not too hard, but not too easy either. You can't really face him off and be successful unless you play through the game and learn stuff. It's well made and just a lot of fun to play. I only had a couple problems with this game which is great! I thought that the Gnasty Gnorc boss fight was pretty anticlimactic, so when you play through the game it doesn't really have pay off because Gnorc is just like chasing the egg thieves, so the only real redeeming factor is that you beat the main story. I also felt that it could've been executed better. It doesn't necessarily feel as much like a story as much as it is rescue dragons repeatedly. Mario platform games have that story of rescuing the princess and it feels progressive, while this just feels the same as it goes on. Despite those things I had a lot of fun rescuing dragons and battling various enemies going through these fun worlds. I enjoyed the obstacles and layouts to make a fun game. I feel like if they fixed those two things then this would be a top 5 favorite for me. I had so much fun with it and I plan on revisiting it. So excited for the other two in the trilogy!


This is the first Kirby game I have ever beaten and I liked it! It was a pretty fun NES platform game with fun levels and looks fantastic. This is one of the best looking NES games I've played with the detailed character design and the use of color along with amazing graphics. The game also has very good boss fights, and the last one has a lot of pay off when you finish it. I also like how the game progresses when you get through each level. It gets steadily harder as you steadily get better and more experienced with the game so I liked how it did that and the pacing is great. Some complaints I have are that I didn't think that the game was smooth at times. Things were lagging and the buttons wouldn't do anything at times which was a lot of pain making it pretty rough. It also got a bit repetitive making this a tad boring. In general though this game is fun and I recommend that Kirby fans play this to see where this franchise started!


I loved it! I actually preferred this one over Kirby's Adventure and I'm not sure why. My only problem with this game is it's really easy when you start out but other than that I love it! I think the short time that this game has works because if you're on a road trip, here's a Kirby game you can play in hand held and it's one you can beat on the road since it's short and simple! It also has unique stages with cool enemies. Another thing I really liked is that the boss fight is just Dedede instead of him and another bigger boss fight. That's really all I have to say about it. It's just a lot of fun and a nice short game!


I beat this on the day the movie came out! Anyway this is honestly an improvement on the first! The boss fights have more variety, the controls feel smoother, and it feels more grounded. The story flows better and that gave me more motivation to keep playing. I liked the structure of it where it felt more like an actual story than moving from zone to zone like the first. I still really love the first game and loved that format, but I liked this better. I didn't expect to like this game more but somehow I did. The final boss is a bit underwhelming but it's still fun to play. The ending felt a bit ambiguous but I still liked it. I wish there was one more level after the final boss just with how the game was going after that but overall it's still a lot of fun. It's more fun with the Rescue Rangers and for that I owe it a lot!


Absolutely fantastic Mario game. It doesn't have any wow factors in it to make it get all the acclaim as 64, Galaxy, or Odyssey have, but I just really enjoyed this game and it's just so much fun.

It has so many really fun mechanics like the cat suit and the cherry powerup. It introduces so much to the platforming and gives you so much more you can do. The levels are all unique, and the game never grew repetitive. You have the classic Mario feeling you get in these games, yet it's still able to different things that are welcome.

The clear pipe is so satisfying with how smooth it is and how you can control Mario in the pipes sometimes. I also think they made the green pipes feel better too. The game controls beautifully which is always a plus in my book.

I don't think rescuing the fairies was as compelling of a story and having as much stakes as rescuing Peach, but it added something different to it and we got Peach as a playable character, and I liked how she was. I liked her hover ability, and that was really another thing I liked. The playable characters all have something unique about them where they feel more like characters instead of skins.

One of the most surprising things about this game was the Captain Toad levels. I haven't played Treasure Tracker, but these levels felt so refreshing and I loved whenever they'd pop up. They weren't at the level of the main levels, but they were a fun side level once in a while.

The only real thing I can think of to complain about is that the final boss had to be autoscroll. I wanted to climb the tower at my own pace, but the autoscroll wouldn't let me do that and I ended up dying because I couldn't see where I was going, or it made me stand right in Bowser's way. It was just a cheap way to increase difficulty instead of actually trying to make a challenging end. I still enjoyed the fight though because it had such a good tone and it looked amazing.

3D World expands on 3D Land so well by adding way more in it and having more depth in the levels. It's way more thought out, has a grander scope, and is just so much fun to play. It's not revolutionary or anything, but it has so many awesome and unique things in it and is just one heck of an adventure. I absolutely recommend this game, it's really really fun!

Is NASCAR 15 a GOTY worthy game? Absolutely not. But man the nostalgia I have of playing this game and the fact that it holds up pretty well (especially with the Heat games being...something) brings this up to a 5. I also love seeing the old roster, and how much it's changed from them to now. Kaulig, Trackhouse, and 23XI don't exist. But BK Racing, LiveFast, Phil Parsons, MWR, all there. It's just so much fun going back to this old roster and having 5 of my all-time favorites in the same game: Carl Edwards, Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Chase Elliott, and Ryan Blaney. Tony Stewart is awesome too! It may not be the best NASCAR game ever but I have so much nostalgia for 15 and it's just a blast to play!

Yikes! This is truly awful. This game could've been a lot better but the game really feels like it was still in development when it was released. The gameplay is rough as heck. This game is just the complete opposite of smooth. The fighting is not good and it lags so much and barely even does any damage. The music is also terrible. It is painful to listen to and so are the voices. The sound itself is also just bad. There's nothing good about this game. It's one of, if not the worst game I've played.


Improvement on the first but it's not one of my favorite Street Fighter games. I think the mechanics are a whole lot better and you can actually choose characters with different fighting styles which is a plus it's a bit rocky though so it's still not perfect but it's at least some fun and a lot better than the first.


All it really improved on with the World Warrior was it added 4 new fighters and the gameplay is just a bit smoother, but they could've at least added more to it to make a champion edition worth while.


Greatly improved upon the past 3. This gameplay is actually smooth and doesn't have many problems. It's a lot of fun but the thing that hurts it for me is the backgrounds. Don't care for them much. Other than that it's a solid fighting game.



This game really doesn't do anything differently from it's predecessor. The level designs don't really change and it looks exactly the same way. The controls show no improvement over a three year difference (which usually happens in platformers) and the bosses aren't unique. It's basically a much longer version of Dream Land 1. But you know what, it's fun. There's no shortage of charm in this game and all of the characters are fun to play as. The game is easily bingeable and it doesn't get old at all. My biggest complaint with it though is that it feels more like an expansion of Dream Land than a sequel. It's fun regardless, but since it doesn't do anything differently and feels exactly like the first, it's more like Dream Land 1.5. Hopefully Dream Land 3 shows some improvement and feels more like a sequel. This game is a lot of fun, but there is room for improvement. I'd still play it if you like the first game though and other Kirby games!

This is what New Challengers wanted to be.


This is yet another game I finally got around to playing and it's another fun one. It is a bit dated with the graphics and setup of the game, but in the end it's just a lot of fun. The game runs pretty smoothly and there isn't lag with the shooting which is good. I also thought the game didn't get repetitive and it was pure fun for all six stages. The bosses are all pretty good and have variety in how you kill them. All in all it's a fun shooter on the SNES that created a popular franchise.
