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November 23, 2023

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Initially played this on PS4, it was so good that I had to buy it on PC, where I play to this day. Something about this game just is majestic. From the soundtrack to the gameplay to the stories in singleplayer to the classic battlefield multiplayer.

The singleplayer delivers an amazing story and the way the game starts off in general I think is genius. It opens up with you on the frontlines and says a simple message that I think its genius. It says “What follows is frontline combat. You are not expected to survive." It then places you in the position of a soldier in the frontlines, fighting to survive the incoming army. No matter how hard you fight in this, the enemies keep coming until you are eventually overwhelmed and die. Just then you switch to other soldiers in the frontline and the same thing repeats over and over. Whoever thought of this opening is a goddamn mastermind, the message at the beginning saying you are not expected to survive serves as a double meaning: 1. You are not supposed to "beat" this level, its just the opening and 2. You are a soldier fighting on the frontlines. You literally are not supposed to survive, your death is almost guaranteed. Then as it switches from soldier to soldier after every death, it shoes the brutality of war and how everyone doesn't survive and it hits you that most of the people you just played as are now corpses. They aren't the protagonist of the story, they are just a soldier of war who got gunned down in the frontlines. Battlefield 1 shows how gritty and horrifying war is. This is probably in my opinion, one of the greatest openings to a game in the history of video games.

Obviously, many things about the game are over exaggerated, especially in the multiplayer. Speaking of the multiplayer, when the game was announced at first, I was skeptical because I was so used to sights like an acog scope and things like that. I lamented having to use iron sights for most guns because holographic sights didn't exist back then. But I got very used to it, and in fact, I enjoyed it, the guns felt so real and every weapon felt good to use. I loved the operations game mode which became more popular than the traditional battlefield gamemode, conquest. It fit so well because World War 1 was all about trench warfare, and even if exaggerated in Battlefield 1, was so amazing when you had to get out of your trench and charge the enemy while orchestral music plays in the background with the whistle blowing and tanks rolling out. When I first witnessed this, it left me in awe. You could also play as almost every front, and the visuals, effects, and maps were gorgeous. This game 100% looks better than Batlefield 5 and feels better than BF5 as well. I could talk about this game more, but this review is already an essay. Along with Titanfall 2, I think Battlefield 1 stands up there as one of the greatest FPS games ever made.