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This is a really good fangame, probably the best one out there for Undertale. That being said, I don't think it quite matches up to the original Undertale. And thats fine! Undertale was a work of art and masterpiece and its really hard to make something like that again. The Undertale Yellow team did such a great job with the music, design, and gameplay of Undertale yellow, the fact we were able to get basically a whole new game with multiple endings is insane. I have been following this game from the start and im so happy it released and that I got to play it.

That being said, there are so many problems with it. I think the first is the plot. The plot starts off with you trying to get out of the underground, but eventually just becomes all about Ceroba. The Ceroba section itself feels like it should have been the midpoint to the game and not the finally, but that takes center stage and Clover starts to feel less like the main character instead of Ceroba. Next point are the lack of characters or at least the lack of in depth ones. The Undertale Yellow team did such a great job by making unique monsters, but for some reason only around 4 - 5 of them are established. Even then, I didn't really care for any of them except for maybe Starlo. With the huge cast of monsters that original Undertale had, I expected Undertale Yellow to give us something similar, but I just don't care about the monsters in Yellow, especially not Martlet or Ceroba. Finally one of the greatest failures of this game are the enemy combat design. In Undertale, when enemies were hard, it felt fair, because at least it would give some semblance of a hint on how to avoid the attack or counter it or something. In Undertale Yellow, the team decided that throwing random bullshit on the screen and making the fight unfair = difficulty, when in reality its just cheap. The most egregious of this is the Ceroba fight on the pacifist run. The first 2 stages are fine, and the 3rd one was a bit of a bog to get through, but the 4th one was almost downright impossible. They just throw so many things on your screen that you can't skill your way out of it. There are many more example than just Ceroba, but I'd say she is the biggest offender.

Other than that, I decently liked this game, even if it was a bit slow at the start, and a bit meh in the end. The enemies are amazingly designed, and some of the combat stuff even while sometimes unfair was very well designed. Every area in the game was also immaculate, and this game did not feel like a fangame. I really like Clover, and prefer him to Frisk or Kris. He embodies his soul, Justice. Even the ending, where he sacrifices his soul so the monsters can eventually go free (even if he knows that his soul wouldn't be enough) is amazing. The ending of Undertale Yellow is so good, and its all because of Clover. I even teared up a bit when he gave his gun to Starlo and his hat to Martlet. I wish they had focused the story on Clover more instead of Ceroba, I think this game would be at least a 4.5/5 if that was the case. The very end is amazing, as text showing "someone called your name" showed up and "you answered the call" right after, which is a nod to Frisk asking for the help of the souls, which I think is a top tier reference/ending. The ending is bittersweet, but I knew from the start that Clover had to die because of the events that transpire in Undertale. It's sad, but an amazing ending based on what they could do.

Really fun, love the fast paced gameplay, visuals, and unique levels, but sometimes the game purposefully stops you from speeding through the level design is in such a way where it completely stops your momentum to do something menial, which I think is stupid for a game that is reliant on speed.

It's good, feels like lethal company, and honestly has the potential to be a better version of it. I love seeing the videos made at the end. It just needs more content, as well as a more interesting gameplay loop.

It's cool, but after a bit it just becomes a certified wallpaper simulator.

Played this when I was a kid, don't know if it ever finished, but I remember getting to where they stopped developing it at the time. It was a phenomenal fangame, and I might revisit it at one point.

A classic rom hack, and one of the first ones I finished.

I have almost as many hours on Tekken 8 in the first few months of me playing it than I do all of Guilty Gear Strive, which should already show the amount of fun I've been having with this game. Graphics are beautiful, audio design and music is top tier, and the game is just so damn fun to play. I love the variety of characters, the story is decent, and I love the giant move lists and how the game doesn't try to dumb it down for new players like newer fighting games try to do. On the other hand, this is the only game that can make me chuck my fight stick across the room in anger because there are just so many bullshit moves and things that happen. Not sure I like the new heat system, but I will have to see. The customization is amazing and the community has already shown how versatile it is.

In conclusion: nerf King.

I'm probably gonna get crucified for this opinion, and rightly so. I did not enjoy Elden Ring.

Some good things:
The graphics are beautiful, and all the areas are also amazing to look at. I love the aspects of the multiplayer, the invasion is so cool, and I like how many armor sets and weapons there are in the game so it feels like you can make your own unique build, and is why I wish fromsoft would make an MMORPG one day. I love the designs of so many of the characters, and I love how there is so much to do. The magic is also just so badass and I wanted to master every single one of them.

Now the bad:

I feel like there is a difference between losing because of skill and losing because the enemy is cheap, giving the illusion of difficulty. There are amazing enemies with genuinely engaging moves that are difficult, but not a cheap shot, like Rennala or Commander Niall (except for commander Niall's servants which are kinda bullshit). Then you have enemies like Godskin Noble and Fire Giant, who genuinely have the most bullshit moves that feel so unfair to play against, and I feel like that's what most of the game consists of. Then you also got the 3rd type, like Morgott and Radahn who are just way too easy.

The plot also doesn't tell you much and it feels like most of it is cryptic, and when it does explain some stuff, at that point you stop giving a shit because it isn't even that entertaining.

The game feels like a grind, so much so I had to use many rune glitches just to level up and gather runes.

Also the lock on is so fucked and bugs out constantly.

In all, it has made me interested in the previous fromsoft games and how they were like, but I would never touch Elden Ring again (until the DLC maybe).

TLDR; I hate losing, fuck Fire giant, and fuck Godskin noble.

Better than the Casa Bonita DLC, and I love Jimmy, Timmy, and Butters. Just wish that some of the fights weren't so bullshit cuz it took ages for the final boss fight.

It's not bad, I like the premise, I love how the hike is not the main part of the game, and you're supposed to go around the island and do other things, but you can also go to the top if you want. I love the graphics settings so you can either play pixelated, clean, or somewhere in between. It's a decently chill game, but nothing that makes me go "WOW THIS IS REALLY FUN". It's just a game that teaches you that the point of life is taking it slow and enjoying things around you.

It was ok, felt like there wasn't enough actual gameplay, and it felt like more of a movie than a game.

It's not as good as the main game, but it is still really funny. The bosses are just kinda bullshit instead of hard, it's just tedious.

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This is probably the best zombie game I've ever played. That being said, I don't play many zombie games because zombies scare the shit out of me. But The Last of Us Part 1 is just really good. First of all the visuals are immaculate, and absolutely stunned me when I first saw it. The characters are also good, with Joel and Ellie being absolute badasses. The story is also very solid, except for the ending, which kinda was eh, but I'll talk about that a bit more later. The gunplay was eh, I was playing on controller, as I thought that was the way the devs intended it to be played, which made some of the gunplay absolutely unbearable, otherwise it was decent. There are like 6 zombie types, but I think all of them are just either normal zombies or clickers with varying HP, and I wish they made more unique types of zombies. I really liked the idea of moving slow as to not attract the clickers, and wished more zombie games included something like that, except sometimes there were a lot of clickers and it made the gameplay REALLY slow, but honestly, I can kinda overlook that. Speaking of which, the whole "open the door and then there is a zombie or enemy" thing got really old after the 5th or so time. Now as I've said, the plot is REALLY good. I love the beginning bit to meeting people like Bill and Henry. What happens with all the characters are also really interesting, and when we have other people with us, it makes the story feel less alone and isolated. I also liked the plot with David, and thought it was extremely fun and interesting. The only things I didn't like was that the whole "lets go to a new city" thing was kinda repetitive, which is why I liked the David portion of the story. The ending also was kinda eh, like I get that Joel is very fond of Ellie and doesn't want to kill her, but to me, I didn't really feel the bond that Joel had with Ellie, because the plot skipped seasons. Of course they had to make the game short and not long, but I wish there were deeper conversations and dialogue as I feel what we got was a bit too surface level enough for me to care about the characters, even though I did care about them. However, I didn't care about Ellie enough to kill the fireflies and prevent the vaccine from being made, and I think if you wanted the player to trade the cure of the infection that plagues humanity for a kid, you should at least let us get to know the kid a bit more. They do this with Joel making promises to Ellie, like getting Joel to sing, teaching Ellie the guitar, or teaching her how to swim, but again, I feel its all very surface level and would have preferred a deeper dive into the two. Otherwise, this was an extremely good game and I can't wait for The Last of Us Part 2 on PC.

I don't know why people act like this game is the second coming of christ. The NPCs run in front of your bullets and into grenades, the gameplay is boring, story is uninteresting, the characters are also uninteresting. I liked it way better than the first one, and I can see why this might have been amazing for its time, but in the current day, I'd much rather play something else.