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It has come to the end of this niche little PS2 trilogy lost to its creator's wild ambition. It was a long journey to get here, one full of ups and downs and many hours of external research, but we have finally reached the climax.
And DAMN was it worth the journey.
Xenosaga Episode III is quite simply unbelievable. From the very first episode, all the necessary pieces were there for Xenosaga to be something truly amazing, and Episode III finally capitalized on them in extraordinary fashion, and with hardly a change in staff from Episode II! The story delivers on all the setups that had been planted across the first two games and Missing Year in an emotional rollercoaster of twists and turns that had me gasping for breath by the end. The characters are some of my favorite in all of fiction, with particular mention going to Shion, whom I absolutely fell head-over-heels for after seeing all the payoff from her mental health journey over the course of the series. The gameplay is vastly improved from Episode II, with the battle system now lightning-fast and much streamlined and the overall game experience far smoother overall. And all is punctuated with awe-inspiring cinematic cutscences and a mindblowing soundtrack that ranks easily in the top 3 video game OSTs of all time.
Utterly incredible experience. Xenosaga is the best space opera ever created.