this is team-based mech combat that has been refined and tuned over a decade, resulting in an excellent product and gameplay experience (once you get used to it)

HOWEVER the issue is that this product is plain pasta in a bowl. the pasta does not get much added to it, and will not, since it is only being maintained as a labour of love for the 'hardcore' players and fans at this point, whether they are always playing or take breaks from it (it is known that this game basically breaks even for the company)

as such, i respect MWO, and find myself occasionally indulging in it for a period, but can't help wish it was more and had the opportunity to shine once again, which will unfortunately never happen now

given that it has been almost 10 years since i played it, its hard to review honestly, but for what it was worth it was fun !!

it, like many other games, deserved better. RIP

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recently completed this, and through all the LetMeBeDoomEternal jank and barely existent story there is some charm and cool environments to be found, i actually rather liked the gunplay and cadence of the combat and the upgrade system is fun, at least the first time around

no real replayability though aside from grinding missions for the best loot, grab it on a sale and blitz through it tbh, it is genuinely fun while it lasts (and surprisingly terrifying, i can't be the only one who got jumpscared by genestealers moving that fast)

an improvement over its predecessor but again, could not fully get into it for some reason

honestly fun with friends but i could never get into it fully

magical, magical sandbox game, and what i can only describe as a formative experience

miss you kitty0706


i need to finish this, such a gem from what i played and a fantastic soundtrack

this game deserved so much more and i will die on that hill

certified just-above-mid fallout game, nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be but nowhere near as good as it should've been

it's alright. i will never pick it up again thankfully


its hard for me to judge honestly since at the time i played during beta and for about a year after release, it was and remains my favourite MOBA experience. that isn't really saying much given the competition

society moved past the need for League of Legends a good decade ago now, yet here we still are

we thank you Newgrounds for your service o7