Max Payne 2001

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

4 days

Last played

June 3, 2023

First played

May 24, 2023

Platforms Played


Conceptually perfect with a great base to build off of, but nearly everything good about this game is heavily weighed down by a clunky and finnicky engine. When a game is supposed to have really fluid and dynamic combat, having to stand still to activate it makes things feel herky-jerky and unsatisfying. Most of the gunfights in this I had to savescum my way through, despite hitting my marks most of the time. It's a serious shame, because this is a really great game at its core. The noir mood is superb, the way the story just keeps evolving and growing into something more is perfectly done, and the idea of bullet time in combat is so brilliant, even with the sloppy execution. There's a reason this game is as important as it is, and I definitely felt that while playing, even if I had my frustrations with the gameplay. I'm not one to endorse remakes (though I will gladly partake in them), but I definitely feel like this game could really shine from having some better tuning. Until then, my feelings on it will most likely remain the same.