An even sillier sequel to West of Loathing that holds the same charm but changed the genre!

Lacks polish on the switch version but is otherwise a fun time and any excuse to interact with cute dinosaurs!

Fun strategy game thats forgiving but still tough! I like the charcter design but wish everyone would stop kissing the Divine Dragons ass.

Silly dog game that you can jump in and out of at any time

Limited creator but an overall fun game that has a nice short and contained story.

Amazing remaster of a game I've never played! I love the following system and had so much fun playing through and experiencing gen 2.

Fun but frustrating with a very interesting story to tell.

Lovely surrealist Jrpg with interesting characters and a strange but fun appearance.

Fun little game with all the charm and whimsy of Don't Starve but converted into a 3D space. Love the building system however the character AI leaves a bit to be desired.

Hard but rewarding in every sense. Love the music and all the enemies.

I like the gameplay but the choices that you get to make and overall theme is so lackluster.

Frustrating and a bit slow however its such a fun game and I love the world building.

Fun prequel to Remnant: From the Ashes. I liked the idea of actually losing a year and getting older every time you get booted out.

Repetitive but otherwise a fun anime game with a nice character creator and fluid controls.

I will never not love this game and its story. The gameplay is rewarding, villain is annoying but charming, and the 4 main characters are interesting plus customizable.