A strange but overall cohesive metroidvania with a unique art direction behind it. Its very open and lets you explore most areas.

Really challenging [among the likes of Devil May Cry] but always rewarding. A super campy and fun take on the Divine Comedy!
☆Dont fuck with a witch!☆

Fun little game with a cute story that forces you to strategize while not being too tedious about it.

Good game with smooth graphics, nice classes, a good character creator and a fun system to learn about monsters and explore.

Quick game with an interesting story that leaves you hoping for more. One of the best voxel games I've played in years.

Amazingly cute fantasy VN with cute characters and a rather sad but interesting story.

Fun strategy game thats forgiving but still tough! I like the charcter design but wish everyone would stop kissing the Divine Dragons ass.

Astounding gameplay improvements with it being both smooth and innovative! The graphics suffered especially compared to Bayo 2 but other than that it was a lovely time.

Fun but frustrating with a very interesting story to tell.

Hard but rewarding in every sense. Love the music and all the enemies.

ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! The water color graphics are pulled off so well everything in this game looks like a picture book! The story is wonderfully sad as all Bayonetta games.

An artistically talented and unique Rythm game that follows a great cast of characters.

Silly stick figure game with an even goofier story that I love to bits! :)

Lovely game and an amazing expansion on the existing BOTW world that we got so used to!

Fun and janky game that does a fun twist on the standard Zelda format.