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I haven't played this in a few years. I remember becoming depressed in my teenage years, which lead to drinking and drugging, which lead to my suicide. I don't remember much from other playthroughs but I remember it's addicting.

I really love this game but boy is it complicated.

What can I say? It was a blast. Visually stunning, the dialog is great. A lot of the time I had a hard time deciding if what I was doing was good or bad and I like that.

Very fun for two players but no screen peaking!

I played this a lot on PS4 but never managed to finish it, spent too much doing business stuff and side quests. I need to come back to this sometime.

I learned how to code as a kid because of this game.

Definitely no place for a kid 5/5.

I have been playing off and on for like 7 months now and still have no idea what's going on.

I'm nostalgic for muds though and this one is good!

It's pretty short, I got it for $3 so I am not complaining but I would not pay more than $3-5 for it.

Really tight controls, fast-paced shooting. Actually pretty fun despite its aura of negativity. Oh yeah and the entire environment (basically) is destructible which is very fun. I had a great time blowing down apartment building walls with a high caliber machine gun.

It feels like someone wanted to pay a way darker Postal. It plays like the first Postal, but the themes are way darker and there isn't any joking or wacky characters, just one greasy 4chan against the world.

Takes like 3 hours to beat the main story.

I love this game so damn much but I can't play it near as much as I want because I always seem to make an admin mad.

So fun.

I definitely recommend it for fans of Postal, but also for fans of boomer shooters/shooters focusing on fast movement and high-skill cap capabilities.

You can play it normally and get through just fine, or you can become a true freak of nature at speed running if you want.

So bad ass. I cried at the end.