For the time, Assassin's Creed II was an incredible tale of not just revenge, but of conspiracy, religion, corruption, and so many other things. Assassin's Creed II was one ambitious ass game, and while it certainly hasn't aged as well as it could have, I still have plenty of respect for what it is.

Many people will cite this as being one of the best in the series, and while it's hard tp believe that, I can acknowledge some things that really stuck out to me about this game. The idea of Ezio going through this incredible 20 year quest of revenge, and getting wrapped into a whole spider web of conspiracy is makes for quite an interesting tale, but I don't think I can agree with how it's told. During the scene where Ezio states that it has been 20 years since the beginning of the game, I almost didn't believe it. I could not believe that throughout this 20 year adventure, these characters have hardly changed. Even with the world, it's hard to believe. The world does indeed see some changes, but not as many as you would expect to see in a 20 year adventure. The true lack of any sort of development in this game is disappointing, especially considering how great the actual progression of the gameplay is.

Upgrading the Villa, getting new armor and weapons (that are cosmetic which is a nice touch), or even just going to a new city and seeing everything there is to do there, this game has an incredible sense of progression. While Ezio may not have changed mentally, I loved how you could feel his physical development throughout the game. Seeing the health increase, getting new stuff like the gun or dual blades, or just feeling unstoppable after unlocking the Altair armor and sword, this game made you feel like you were getting stronger. I also loved building up the Villa and seeing it get a lot nicer while the income slowly got larger. A good progression system can help a game so much in the long run, and it was without a doubt one of the reasons I stuck with this game despite taking issue with a few major things.

Assassin's Creed II has some horrible missions structure. Entire missions just being about walking with the slowest person to ever exist while they're just exchanging dialogue with you could've easily just been cutscenes. There are also some horrible AI that isn't helped by the missions where you have to protect them or have them follow you. These missions were also not helped by the horrible controls and the clunky button mashing combat. Enemies in combat are just not fun to fight at all. You spam attack and you dodge attacks and it all feels clunky in the process. It's not just the combat that feels clunky. Exploring the open world and climbing around is fun. Jumping on rooftops feels good, but there are times where you just know you're playing an old game. Ezio will jump to the wrong platform, maybe he will fail to climb something, he can clearly climb, so maybe he will just randomly jump off of the same boring tower that you climbed 50 times before right before you reached the top.

Climbing a towers, isn't so bad though. While there are times it can be terrible, making your way to the top, getting that view of the city, hearing the music, and jumping back down into the city you just got a birds eye view of is a great feeling. While certainly an old looking game, I can still appreciate the visuals and the design of the city even when it get repetitive. Jumping around on rooftops, hiding from the guards, and just exploring the city while the phenomenal soundtrack plays is just one of the highlights of this game.

While I had considered dropping this game, there was always something there to bring me back in. Assassin's Creed II is a game that I'm glad I didn't drop. Going on this 20 year adventure and being able to experience that bizarre ass ending, was all enjoyable to me. Assassins Creed II is not a bad game, but it is however hard to see why people call it the pinnacle of the series.

Reviewed on Dec 20, 2021
