Cyberpunk 2077 may not be a perfect game and for many, it may not even be a good game, but this game set out to do some things like no other game I've played has done. Cyberpunk tries to juggle deep RPG mechanics, along with an open world sandbox, amazing action set pieces and because of that, it doesn't really do anything perfectly. Cyberpunk 2077 is like a buffet of food but for video games. The game tries doing everything it can and while it's cool that you can get Hollywood set-pieces with deep RPG gameplay, it doesn't really taste good just like the pizza and mashed potatoes from Old Country Buffet.

Even after saying that this game fails at what it does, I can't call it bad, at least not for me. Cyberpunk 2077 has become one of my favorite games. I fell in love with Night City. I got addicted to the gameplay loop. I was eager to continue the story while seeing how the world and characters could be expanded through all the incredible side content. This is a situation where it truly is hard to recommend this game to someone because on one hand, the ai is still not great, the driving (while better) is still flimsy, and overall the game just has some jank and some other flaws that just don't feel right. The game even tries incorporating immersive sim elements but it fails at that when you realize that none of the levels were designed around the double jump boots that the game gives you; they're there, but the game does not expect you to be using them. With all the issues, I don't want to recommend this game to anybody, but for people like me, it could definitely scratch the right itch if its what you're looking for.

The opening of Cyberpunk 2077 is when I truly fell in love with this game. I can't explain why exactly, but I just adored it. The amazing writing, the fun adrenaline pumping gameplay with the intense and entertaining story. I fell in love with Cyberpunk 2077 and even more when I stepped into Night City and just felt like a little person in a massive world. It makes the journey feel special. I often found myself questioning if V and Jackie even stood a chance in a city like this.

I just have to talk about the world of this game. Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the few times I felt like I was playing a next gen game. The world is beautiful and so much fun to explore. I found myself just walking around without a car at times because I just wanted a chance to explore. I loved my time with Night City and it's easily one of my favorite open worlds. It's full of stuff to do and not just filler, its actually fun. Side quest are basically main story quest and the actual side quest that come from the fixer missions are also great. Fixer missions are basically just about going in to steal something or kill some enemies but they try giving it a story thats actually interesting so it never feels boring.

I've made it obvious that I'm a bit biased for this game. I've finished it about a month ago, but haven't logged it yet since I wanted to write about it and at least get most of my thoughts out about it, but that was kinda hard considering how much there is to talk about. Far from perfect Cyberpunk 2077 is a bit similar to its own characters. All V and Jackie want is to become legends of Night City. Many years later, when a whole new generation of players who weren't around for the controversy get their hands on this game, they won't think of how bad it used to be, but instead they'll only see it as however great (or bad) of a game it is when they're playing it. While we might not see Cyberpunk 2077 be the greatest game ever made anytime soon, I'm sure as time comes around, it will receive its legend status.

Reviewed on Mar 20, 2022
