No matter how annoying it can be to play (fuck those white laser beam thingys) I really can't deny how great this game is. Pretty much every concept found in this game is still being used in video games today. Not only does it predate Wolfenstein 3D as the original first person game, but it's also the first horror jumpscare game. Everything in this game just feels extremely well made and still fun to play.

This game just stops being fun after like level 3. First 2 levels go crazy tho!

the kind of proof of concept game that despite being really shallow, i still enjoyed what i played

Surprisingly great feeling pinball game with some fun gameplay to match it

If you wanna know why RE4 is such a well loved game even to this day just ask anyone which guns they use, or ask them what their favorite moments of the game are. Chances are you will probably get different answers no matter who you ask. This game is so incredibly replayable, and it’s nonstop fun all the way through no matter how you play. Probably the only issue is that other than some humorous writing, the story kinda sucks, but it’s hard to even care about that because that’s not what the game is about.

Played through the tutorial and a little after that but I just couldn’t handle this game. This game literally feels like it was made by a machine. I was really looking forward to it, but I don’t think I’ll be picking this game back up again

Yeah. Well, when I close my eyes, I see this thing. It's like this big sign. And the name is in like bright red with like a thick bold font. And this name is just so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so just. powerful. - - It says: "Sniper Assassin."

Had a fun time playing this. I was trying to place myself into the shoes of someone playing this for the first time when it came out. I'm imagining being a kid and watching Star Wars and just eagerly waiting for an official Star Wars video game after spending so much time playing all the imitation games trying to capitalize on the success of the movie, but without the actual license. While I was playing the DOS version, I would love to get a chance to play the arcade version some day. Being able to sit down in the cabinet would be the perfect time machine for the 80's. The DOS version was still fun, but I imagine the arcade version being equivalent to a thrill ride.

I crashed my car and the whole game crashed. Neat game tho!

I used to always think this game was somewhat barebones and very barebones, but I actually think this game benefits from that. The game never pressures the players with the game's themes and it feels almost abstract in a way. Considering most video games love having the most in your face approach with their themes and story, replaying Portal was very refreshing.

Definitely feels like an early 3D fighter, but I don't think I hate it. Lacks the fluidity of its contemporaries, but after getting a grasp of it, I was really able to get into it. I don't hate it, and probably the only reason I look back on this so fondly is because the game I played before this was the original Dynasty Warriors which might be the worst fighting game I've ever played.

Not surprising that they switched genres after this. This game is terrible omg. It was Omega Forces first game, so I hate to trash this game so much, but despite the combat being somewhat unique, it just does not feel good at all. This is some of the worst combat I've ever played in a fighting game. On top of that, all of the arenas suck, music sucks, fmv cutscenes suck. Everything here just sucks!

sometimes the ai opponent will buzz in and just respond with gibberish and i think thats really funny