fun with friends! gotta put some more time into it though

managing the shopp is not fun andd the dungeons aren't fun this game blows lol

it was fun but i'm not motivated by score in games at all

played this shit w no friends and it was FUN AS HELL

never owned this game just played it at the Y whenever my brothers had swim practice. i played it so much i fucking beat it! I was the king of this shit at the Y too i used to run the sticks innat mf

pretty good but not as good as generations or storm 4

me and my niggas used to go crazy on this shit man i was the worst at it though lol

this game is fr shit but it was really fun living my basketball power fantasy

basketball power fantasy isn't as fun the second time around

very simple but very fun game. we used to run tournaments for this shit in high school shit was so damn fun

frustratingly difficult, largely due to poor design. you HAVE to exploit weakness in the AI and overpowered moves to win, and that shit is infuriating

remember this being crazy but hella fun all the weapons were so damn cool


it's fun and chaotic but i have yet to sink my teeth into it

this game is fun but FUCKING HARD it's literally just hard to play so difficult to become acquainted with how to play this mf

very fun so far i just got scared the game was ending when i was only like 6 hours in and stopped playing. gonna pick it back up soon