it's good, just not very fun

this game is fun and i beat it once but i found out the dev not working on it anymore and i just lost motivation to play

this game is too fucking hard lol the items fucking suck

super duper fun and well designed

extremely well designed game that's fun to get good at until you hit champ level lol

very unique and fun 2 or so hour experience. it's like you're playing an album, but it's not much of a rhythm game

one more turn one more turn one more turn!

city building is so damn fun in this mf

some insanely predatory business practices and the craziest fanbase ever

it's fun but i think it has some design flaws that keep it from being great

incredibly well designed and endlessly fun

just a crazy package. getting ready to start crash 2 in it

a personal favorite shit is just so entertaining