My roguelike first love. Played this for hours and hours and hours in high school, just don't play much anymore because I've become so completion focused in it and am only now realizing how frustrating the game is.

one of my favorite stories in gaming, precisely because of how it used its game mechanics to tell it. The game mechanics themselves are contextualized in the story so well that they make you seriously stop and think on your decisions. I spoiled myself on the game after getting the neutral ending and the game even called me out for it, causing a little existential crisis for a month. Also probably the greatest soundtrack in gaming history.

best progression system in any game ever. endlessly fun it surprises me more games aren't inspired by terraria, or maybe they are just they don't do what terraria does as well as terraria.

Pretty fun gacha that reminds me of brave frontier. i'm enjoying it.


best story i've ever experienced in a game. From the characters, to the plot, to the themes, to how the game uses its mechanics to tell the story. Just a genuine masterpiece, and my favorite game of all time. This mf had me reading AO3s my nigga it's gotta be a goat