The best COD ever! A few of the best zombies maps, a great story, the best COD multiplayer ever! just a great game!

one of the best cod's ever. Great multiplayer, incredible story, great zombies, solid dlcs. Just the full package you don't see in AAA gaming anymore!

Only really played multiplayer in this but it was great!

Some fun centralizing mechanics bogged down by poor balance and a lack in content. Hard to play the kingdom rush games with only 4 towers when bloons td6 has a fuckin million

Surprisingly fun game with a truckload of content! I love tower defense!

I've gotta just sit down and put more time into this game

A decent area and my favorite DS3 boss

two solid areas and 3 of the 5 best DS3 bosses, just an a great fucking time

Game just needed much more time in the oven. Nearly every gameplay system is undercooked. Still a beautifully designed and solidly well realized world, with a very compelling central relationship and character in Johnny. Has the potential to be so, so much more and it just settles for so much average, and I played it IN 2023, AFTER THEY MOSTLY FIXED IT AND DELIVED ON SOME OF THE MANY PROMISES THEY MADE ON THIS GAME

half a year after playing and this game seriously hasn’t left my head. i havent thought about cyberpunk for a second since i put it down just over i think a week ago and i think about outer wilds at least once every other day. in hindsight, i was really, really salty that i spoiled myself on the biggest puzzles, and still am, but the overall unique and impactful experience this game gave me was next level. in hindsight Outer Wilds is an exceptionally well designed game where the gameplay and narrative are so tightly woven that they are inseparable. it uses it’s mechanics to slowly, subtly, and deeply sit its themes into your your experience, making it all the more immersive and thought provoking. it’s so well designed that it’s honestly mind-blowing. it utilizes its medium to its maximum potential, giving me similar feelings to undertale, hollow knight, and omori. think if i wasnt spoiled on the base game’s reveals it may be a possible 10

very unique game where you solve for the identity and fate of every person who originally set off on a now abandoned ship. Obra Dinn unlike any game I've ever played. It's hard to say it's a mystery game, but more so a deduction game where you get a fuck ton of information, and have to parse through it to find all of the little details.

I played this game with Robert, and thoroughly enjoyed myself over the few days we played it. There's a lot of great "aha!" moments that really satisfy the player. No lie, robert did like 65% of the detective work, and it would have taken me probably 10 more hours to finish if i played it by myself.

Only gripe is really with the ending. Maybe I missed a lot of its thematic messaging in the chaos of trying to solve tha game's mysteries, but it felt like it was building up to something massive, but in the end it felt underwhelming. You get access to information that the player builds up as being the explanation for a lot in the game, but in hindsight a lot of that information is gained through deducing the identities and fates, and the whiplash of solving everything hurts the ending in a weird way. Though, I also think with how the game is made and the type of game it is, it is BETTER that all of the informative satisfaction comes from the player solving for information, rather than being given it in an ending, so this is excusable.

Heavily, HEAVILY inspired by undertale and other earthbound-inspired rpgs but takes things in a different direction. Rather than an rpg, everhood is sort of a reverse rhythm game where you dodge the beat. Further, the game feels like a reverse of Undertale as a whole, thematically and storywise. Very existential, and maybe a little too pretentious at times in its philosophy, but still very interesting with a few good emotional moments.

Because the game works as a sort of reverse of undertale, and it is very obvsiously inspired by it, it's impossible not to compare. Everhood was definitely great, but I think is surpassed by its predecessor in character writing, DIALOGUE, thematic development, and basically anything to do with the narrative lol. Everhood's story feels like a puddle where a pond should be, and that may not be the game's fault because I think it would resonate more if it was easier to judge it separate from undertale.

Aside from comparison, i think the narrative seriously delivers on its themes on death and violence. While it starts out slow, the the second half of the game is very, VERY interesting to play through for spoiler reasons. I was on and off the game for the first half, but once the second started everything began to click and the characters started really hittin, so i did it all in one sitting.

the combat is very fun and definitely the only part of the game i liked more than undertale. it evolves and develops in fun ways and stays fresh.

A little over halfway through this one and it's really good I just don't like tartarus and that's making it difficult for me to finish it. Solid story so far with well executed themes, just need to finish it.

Probably the most engrossing experience I've ever had in a video game? The rare long ass game that I still didn't want to end as i reached its final moments. Literally everything it does, it does well. One of the greatest antagonists I've ever experienced in gaming and and probably my 2nd favorite soundtrack of all time.