stupid as shit but was very fun to play with friends


very fun and the perfect amount of challenge. heartbreaking in the end

felt pretty lackluster when i played it on release. Even then i knew the story and dialogue system sucked, but i didn't understand back then that you are intended to enjoy literally everything else

super duper fun and polished. wish it had more synergies, but overall a very well designed game with a lot of love put into it

met some of my closest friends through this game and i still play it to this day despite it having THE MOST predatory monetization practices ive ever seen


only 2 hours in and it's fucking crazy, just gotta find the time im really in the mood for it

idk if i like this much. i keep trying it and it's not sticking.

only a few hours in and it's very interesting so far. Another game I just have to sit down and run my head into until something clicks

a great deal of fun, especially with friends. needs better progressions systems

just feels like shit to play, will give it another shot someday though

extremely hard, but beating 1bc after 2 years of trying on and off is still one of my proudest gaming achievements

very fucking frustrating but very fucking well executed

seriously convinced me that FICTION IS REAL BECAUSE OF HOW IT CHANGES YOU AS A PERSON idc what anybody says this game is fucking incredible the best main cast of any DR and the best overall story

one of my favorite stories in gaming. Endlessly creative with the two best trials in the series, and the most well written character in the series as well