community has less pedophiles than splatoon

by the time I finish this game I will have great grand children

also an entire Mili album for this game? let's goo

Heart Aino is the most autistic video game character I can think of

I LITERALLY enjoyed every second of it

the best version of the bolter in any 40K so far

My first monster hunter and an EXCELLENT starting point. solid game overall and looks good despite being developed for the switch. Very great game

Finally, a zombie game that takes a GIANT twist from usual ones, A parkour zombie game set in a place that's not set in the USA (Turkey) and not only are guns rare, they are shit. A great game and I heard the sequel is just as good

also roger craig smith voices the protag

no joke this game taught my dumb american brain the metric system

touhou metroidvania, sakuya doesnt get paid enough

this shit looks and feels like a AAA game, but it was made by only 3 people, love letter to the ace combat franchise and the plot gets as fucked as an AC game too (you can tell the dev's favorite game is zero btw)

PLEASE take the series away from 343 god they dont give a fuck and it shows

has some FUCKED content, which is cleaned up in the remake. Which I hope will come to the west (please?)

Underwhelming AC game, has a few good QOL improvements for the others, but ultimately is lacking alot of content, fun for what it's worth tho