
-The Story. It's always a good sign when the story ends and you want more.
-The characters. Each of the main characters has their own good arc/development with heartfelt emotional beats.
-Genuinely funny and entertaining dialogue, and lots of it
-The soundtrack and huddles! Although about halfway through the game the songs start repeating. The music adds a bit of flair, especially if the tone of it matches up just right with the section you're playing.

-Repetitive gameplay and enemy types. Eventually found myself just trying to rush through combat to get to the story.
-Can only play as Star-Lord, who has limited abilities and generally does little damage
-Buggy at points like getting stuck in the enviornment, collectibles not updating in your log, etc. Nothing reloading or restarting didn't solve but still.

Overall: 8.5/10
Currently making my way through The Nathan Drake Collection. I didn't play these when I was younger so there's no nostalgia factor obscuring or painting my view. That being said, I also don't mind playing older games in general and I try to respect them for what they are and what time period they are from. After playing this installment, I can see why Uncharted went on to become a popular franchise. The first game was goofy fun but had a lot of repetitiveness and clunkiness (especially in the set piece department) and sits at a 6.5/10 for me. Among Thieves is an improvement on the first game in nearly every way. The writing and pacing are sharper. The set pieces are more exciting and actually work this time around (eg. just compare the museum break-in or train level to the jet ski level from the first one, it's a night and day difference). The puzzles are more visually unique such as the standout one inside the temple in Nepal. Good character development from Nate and Elena plus newcomer Chloe, although the main antagonists remain underdeveloped and cartoonish as they were in the first game. There are also once again some silly supernatural enemies that show up and hordes of enemies that randomly pop up in areas that are supposedly "uncharted" and haven't been seen by humans in centuries. By having random enemies pop anywhere and everywhere, it does take me out of the story at times. I wish it had more of a focus on exploration and puzzles rather than such a heavy emphasis on shooting, but at least the shooting has been upgraded significantly from the last one. In the end, I suppose one of the best signs is that I'm already loading up the next one...on to the next adventure!


-the soundtrack
-cute, charming art style
-enjoyed the cutscenes including the ending
-generally, the dungeons and bosses were good with a couple of exceptions. The later dungeons (esp. Eagle Tower) were a pain to navigate.

-gameplay and getting around can be very tedious at times
-not always easy to know where to go next. Made worse by the fact that it's not until about halfway through the game that you unlock fast travel. Unless you stop to look up where to go next with a walkthrough you end up circling around.
-speaking of walkthroughs, without the internet I'm not sure how anyone figured out the random fetch quest that runs throughout the game. It's very silly but also totally necessary to be able to complete the game.
-final note, due to the need to pull up a walkthrough at so many junctures, the flow of the game kept getting broken up and it often felt more like checking off boxes.

The only other Zelda game that I've played so far is Ocarina of Time, which I enjoyed. Based on my experience with these two games, I will probably stick with more of the 3D Zelda titles (eg. BOTW, TOTK, MM, TP, WW, SS) going forward.

7.5/10 (1st 6.5; 2nd 8.5)

-The visuals have continued to improve with each installment. There were plenty of moments of cinematic awe. The monumental sand dunes of the Rub al' Khali come to mind.
-The upgraded hand-to-hand combat. The opening bar fight in the London Pub was a highlight as well as the rumble in the marketplace in Yemen (even if that kind of felt like Indiana Jones dropped into Matrix 2 fighting a dozen nameless suits)
-More mission variety which cut down on the egregious amount of shooting a bit. In this area it might be an improvement from last 2.
-The flashback sequence with young Nate and young(er) Sully

-Besides the Nate-Sully relationship, none of the other relationships get much development. The one that is especially under-baked is the Nate and Elena relationship. Granted they could be going for a "show don't tell" effect, but it feels more under-written, as if they didn't know how to explain the only hinted at relationship difficulties without even with giving one sentence as to what happened in their relationship. It makes the ending with the rings feel unearned.
-Copy+paste formula 3 games in a row now. Each game ending with finally discovering the hidden city, turns out it's cursed, there are supernatural demon creatures of some sort inside, and then the city is destroyed leaving no trace behind. I hope the 4th game breaks this and does something totally different.
-Again, the shooting. It's fine, but still too much of it and in random places, although slightly reined in from last game. Nate at least makes a joke about it here and there, but it's still absurd. For example, when the cruise ship is sinking to the bottom of the ocean, there are still guys just waiting around to shoot at him. Seriously? Why not just make that a race against the clock level while Nate tries to find his way off the ship. Speaking of the ship...
-So many unbelievable bail outs. Don't get me wrong, the other games were guilty of this too like Nate bleeding and freezing to death while dangling off a cliff in the Himalayas but then still going Rambo against mobs of enemies. This game just had too many moments like this, whether it was clutching a single plank of wood during a sea storm and miraculously washing ashore where he needs to be or spending multiple days in the desert with no water and then still being able to do a solo Black Hawk Down through the streets of a deserted village.

-stunning visuals. truly one of the best games I've played in that regard. I found myself taking more pictures than I should mention, even during the mission title cards...
-the combat system was very satisfying, especially if you change it from the default controls to the one using the L1L2 and R1R2 which gave it a closer feel to the combat system from Sekiro
-good main story and side missions to boot with a satisfying, albeit tragic, conclusion
-good voice acting and side characters

-repetitive side activities. That being said, I found myself compulsively completing them. Ended up getting platinum for the game in ~50 hrs, but if you stick to main story and select side character missions can probably be done closer to 20-30hrs. Also, some of the side activities were more worth it such as the meditative haiku breaks.
-no meaningful choice options during quests except for some dialog flavoring. I'm okay with this in terms of the main story as it seems they had a clear vision for how they wanted this to go. I could even stretch that reasoning to cover the supporting character side missions. But in some of the more "unimportant" side missions some more variety in how to approach them would have been appreciated

-the story and writing. looking forward to the sequel.
-setting, mood, and atmosphere - misty, quirky small town in the Pacific Northwest with mysteries and weirdos aplenty
-flashlight and manuscripts - could have played through a game with no combat and with investigating and surviving instead.
-the Night Springs videos

-padded levels, find yourself waiting for the next story cutscene. level design is usually pretty good, but it's very drawn out.
-frequently surrounded by new round of enemies. not difficult, just tedious, especially with some clunkier gameplay and low stamina/mobility. I did like the flares and flashbangs, however.