4 reviews liked by Stewie

Favorite Part: The opening chapter of the game, where you go up against Kamoshida, is genuinely super well done and incredibly memorable. Fantastic opening.

Least Favorite: The terrible boss fight with Okumura.

I put over 80 hours into this game on release for the PS4 Pro, and I loved every second of it.

Was it buggy? Yep.
Did it have some weird pop in? Sure.
Was it worth it? Absolutely.

I decided to switch over and start playing the next Gen update on the Xbox Series X as it usually has better benchmarks than the PS5, and tbh I haven’t looked back. The game runs perfectly on the system, and I can’t wait to finish out this replay.

this game would be a lot better if the announcer didn't call you a "fella" every few minutes

It balances on that thin line of being so silly and unaware that a lot of the things in this game that shouldn't work, work. That being said, the general combat, loot system and overall gameplay still isn't all that great. I never found combat all that fun or engaging, the loot you find doesn't feel all that unique or interesting over the long run, and it's just a game that didn't really suck me in as much as I was hoping it would.