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StyleSwitcher_ completed Devil May Cry 5
This game has amazing gameplay and a pretty enjoyable story on top of that. The depth each character's combat system holds which is uniquely theirs helps make combat fresh and fun. My only problem with this game is that I don't enjoy the level designs in a majority of the games missions. This makes repeat playthroughs much less enjoyable than other games in the series. This is a real shame as repeat playthroughs and the progression from that mixed with a steady increase in difficulty is what makes the Devil May Cry series so enjoyable.

10 hrs ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed Saints Row: The Third
Fun and enjoyable with plenty of over the top action, yet lacks the soul of the previous games which made them so much better than those that followed.

11 hrs ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered
Amazing and faithful remastering of one of this series' best campaigns. I don't know if it was a good or bad thing that the multiplayer wasn't remastered as I wasn't a huge fan of the direction they took the previous remasters multiplayer. No excuse to not have Spec Ops though, missed out big time leaving those out.

3 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ earned the Liked badge

5 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition
This game is so good it leaves me speechless.

10/10 Platinum would recommend.

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed Assassin's Creed II
Pre Platinum Review:
Small Note: I have Platinumed the PS4 version of this game already.

So close, Yet so far from perfection. The story of this game is captivating and enjoyable throughout. My favorite Assassin's Creed game story by far.

Despite my high praises of the story, the gameplay is a little lacking. The parkour can be quite buggy at times which can be a little immersion breaking at the best of times and completely ruin certain missions at the worst of times. The combat has little to no innovations from the first game, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but detracts from that innovative feeling you want from a sequel. The gun was a nice addition, even if its only real use was to be a stronger throwing knife. The gun didn't see a real use in combat until Brotherhood making it feel a little useless in comparison

The Open-World in this game is amazing. Florence and Venice are very eye-catching and fun to explore. If the parkour had that smoothness that brotherhood had, these cities would feel even better to explore. I would say that AC2 has the third best open world behind Brotherhood's Rome and Unity's Paris.

The soundtrack is like the cherry on top of this game. It is so beautiful with the way it both immerses and empowers you as you run through the streets of Italy. This game was also the birthplace of the iconic Ezio's Family, which today is known as one of the most recognizable songs in gaming.

All in all, I believe Assassin's Creed 2 is an amazing game that could have benefitted from a more refined parlour and combat system. But despite its shortcomings, I still classify it as one of my favorite games of all time.

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ commented on JBPRO's review of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Don't even get me started on that RC Car race. Made by the spawn of Satan I tell you.

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ commented on LobAutumny's review of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
I had a similar problem. If you complete the 5th mission in the story mode (not free play) you should get the achievement/ trophy, but not the 100% icon on the pause menu

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
I used to love playing this game on my PS3 as a kid but was devastated to find out how much i didn't enjoy going for the platinum. The worst part wasn't even the 100%, that was actually quite a bit of fun. The worst bit was the story missions, they were just so awful. I genuinely hated the design of the levels so much, I'm not sure if it's just this game or all Lego games but the story missions just sucked so bad. i kind of want to go back and beat some of my other favorite Lego games from my childhood but i'm scared i'll ruin those for myself as well.

Safe to say i'm never gonna play the story mode of this game again.
or that RC Car Time Trial, iykyk

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ completed Grand Theft Auto V
Pre Platinum Review:
This was the first and only game I got on midnight release.... well technically my dad did. I made him wait outside my local GAME for the doors to open while little 7 year old me waited at home in the warm. Safe to say I was bouncing off the walls to play "the best game ever", Glad to say I wasn't disappointed. I played that game almost as much as I used to play GTA 4, switching between the two every couple of days to get a good mix of both. It was only when we finally got Wi-Fi put in the next year that the true treasure trove that was online gaming was opened before my eyes. This helped strengthen my love for this game as GTA Online became a huge part of my life for the years to come.

But after over a decade of Grand Theft Auto 5, I've seen the general consensus that GTA 5 has somehow gotten worse, which is something I don't really understand. My view on this dilemma has always been something along the lines of "yes, while some of the changes to GTA, especially in the Online mode have been negative, it doesn't make a big enough change to the game to warrant such a drastic shift in opinion."

I feel like a lot of peoples frustrations with this game lie in being burned out from playing the same game for the better part of 11 years and counting. But this frustration has turned into unwarranted anger which is being directed at the product as a whole instead of the specific things people dislike.

I want to see if my opinion changes on this idea that Grand Theft Auto 5 has somehow gotten worse because of the decisions made by Rockstar in order to try and keep it's newer, younger audience entertained and engaged.

It would also be nice and look through the story of this game (as it has been a good 4 or 5 years since my last playthrough) and see if the games story is up there with GTA 4 and RDR2.

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ reviewed Assassin's Creed Unity
Pre Platinum Review:
This game is such an underrated gem. It was slated at launch for all of the bugs and that massive day one patch, but if you look at it from the other end after all of the outstanding issues were cleared up and wrapped with the pretty little bow known as the Dead Kings DLC, its overall one of the better Assassins Creed games and a good look at what Ubisoft can do to fix something if they put their mind to it.

While the story isn't anywhere near the best in the series, it's engaging and definitely has its moments. And lets be honest here, no-one really plays an Assassin's Creed game for the story post Revelations.

You always hear that Unity has the best parkour, and that's because it's true. If you don't know, get to know.

The Open-World is incredibly realistic and helps the parkour flow well especially with the new take on the parkour system Unity offers. This is further helped by the beautiful and era-appropriate soundtrack, which is standard for and AC game. cant go wrong with a good Ezio's family remix.

The Co-Op was also very entertaining and unique even if lacking in the content department. Shame it never returned considering they already had no plans to revive the dying Assassin's Creed Multiplayer community. They really missed the mark not adding two player Co-Op to games like Syndicate and Origins considering the two playable characters in each game.

All in all, I think AC Unity is a lot better than people give it credit for. While it is still a little rough around the edges, I encourage anyone who hasn't played since launch or never gave it a go because of the bad press to go back and try it, you might find yourself pleasantly surprised.

8 days ago

8 days ago

StyleSwitcher_ shelved God of War
I just don't really get what people see in this game. I've tried playing this game multiple times and I just can't for the life of me get into it.

I plan on giving it one last go when I go for the God of War Platinums and it will either ruin me or sway my opinion in the other direction (hopefully.)

8 days ago

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