Against all odds, one of the best video games to come out this past decade.

Goofy game to play with friends

A unique video game experience with a ton of replay ability. Recommend to anyone looking for a gripping narrative video game with satisfying combat/stealth mechanics.

A unique video game experience with a ton of replay ability. Recommend to anyone looking for a gripping narrative video game with satisfying combat/stealth mechanics.

A staple of not only the franchise, but the genre as a whole.

Every artist has some kind of magnum opus. I believe that art as a medium peaks once every so often. The Mona Lisa, The Great Wave of Kanagawa, The Starry Night. These are a few pieces throughout different generations that have received countless recognition and praise. Although it isn't universally agreed upon by my peers, I feel this game is my generation's stand out piece of art. Not only does it take elements that made all its predecessors work, but it also works to elevate these elements to make it into something new and fresh. As someone who got into pokemon later than most, I can play these games as unbiased as possible. And I can say that this is the best one by far. The writing carries so much weight and for once, I am deeply invested in this story and these characters. It really feels like the friends you start with have been your friends for years. It feels like the enemy you are facing are doing everything in their power to succeed. Not just because they get paid or because they have nothing better to do. But because they are truly confident in their misunderstood cause. It feels like every town is alive, filled with a huge cast of diverse and interesting human beings that have a love and affinity for their pokemon companions. The story explores themes that most pokemon games,even today, don't dare touch. Themes that challenge the player's perception of the "Faultless" protagonist. As well as themes that make you question and even consider the convictions of the "Villain" Is catching, raising, and battling pokemon moral? Is it fair for them? I won't drag this review out longer than it needs to, as the best parts are what you will find out for yourself. With a brilliant story, seemingly endless content, and immaculate details. This masterpiece deserves all the praise it has gotten and more over the years. And sure people will love their Gen 4 games and Gen 1 remakes and whatnot(Those games also rock) I personally feel that this rests comfortably at the top. And GameFreaks do not seem at all interested in topping it anytime soon. Now I'm going to go play some more of this amazing experience. If you've made it this far, thank you for your time.

The video game equivalent of being in a crack induced coma.

As far as assassins creed games go (which is usually very hit or miss) this one is actually pretty decent. Worth a try for fans of the series looking for something different.

I just can’t stomach these AC games lately. This game is symbolic of the problem I have with these mass produced games with giant worlds that overwhelm you with minuscule garbage to beef up the playtime in order to justify the price. Throw a colored loot system and micro transactions and you have assassins creed odyssey, a game that feels like a half thrown together money well.

Really dumb fun. Get drunk and invite friends over to play, or beat the story mode in a day and suffer online.

A truly exceptional fighting game that does almost everything correctly. Definitely a must have for fans of the genre

Decent jrpg, falls short because Royal does everything better.

Solid Jrpg filled with hours of content.