Hire immigrants to grow pot and have a stupid pissing match with your rival same-sex couple from across the street. The most realistic thing in this game is swatting your neighbors house for fun.

There is nothing on god's earth that can keep me from Nozomi Tojo. There is no army big enough, no law enforced enough, and no devil harsh enough that would keep me away from this woman. And I mean that in the most respectful, non threatening way possible. I can not stress enough the fact that All I want from any piece of love live media is to see this, perfect specimen happy. All the time, 100% of the time. And if any of you, Neo-Fascist, American hating, dog punching nincompoops disagree, catch me at your nearest nerd convention. If you can brave the stanky must of such events, and muscle through the people wanting to kill you over an autograph from some niche microcelebrity. I am very willing to engage in fisticuffs with you, and succeed. There is no challenge too difficult to prove my admiration for this godsent, totally real, totaly goes to a different school character. Thank you friends.

My brain is now a fine powder, used to make pharmaceutical drugs that treat chronic schizophrenia. This is the fate of those that dare play this interactive brain rot.

Competing for my favorite racing game ever. Great cars, beautiful maps, and several modes that keep you entertained for hours. I once dumped so many hours into this game growing up that I actually considered racing as a profession. Now as it stands, I have lost that dream and am instead stuck as a wage slave for "the man" Let this be a lesson for the kids on this god forsaken website. Do not let your dreams falter. Focus on what it is YOU want out of life.And not what these, horse shit eating, boot licking, cooperate dictating scumbags want you to be. Because once you sign a deal with these soul sucking troglodytes, its so hard to get out. And if you ever find yourself with any doubts of who you are or what you're doing, Just know that your old pal Subby always believes in you. Now go out there and show em why it is your license has been suspended for 2 and a half years.

One of the greatest video games of its genre. If you enjoy stealth game play or big crazy spy stories this is your game.

Boys, girls, and GAMERS. Your good buddy pal Subby is here to spit some mad game. To share the secrets of the trade. I have been playing this game for years. I have been playing this franchise for longer. Not only is this one of the best games in the franchise, but its also the easiest to break. I, will tell you how.
Step 1:Get the SRT Tomahawk by any means necessary. This means grinding it or purchasing the dlc pack for it. Don't look at me like that, The pack is cheaper than a soda at your local shitty corner store. This car is worth it.

Step 2: Start a race in one of the standard circular racing tracks. Particularly one that is long with grueling turns.

Step 3:Grab a buddy. Don't have a buddy?Try to meet someone at school or at your local supermarket and force your new pal at gunpoint to get this game.

Step 4:Start the race and set both cars on auto drive.

Step 5:Wait. Grab a doughnut maybe actually get to KNOW your new found friend. Think about someone other than yourself for once.

Step 6:Congratulations. You now have several hundred thousand credits. Buy some cars, take some pictures, and win some races.

Thank me later, slugger ;)

We as human beings have so little time on this earth. So much of our lives can be spent doing things we love. Spending time with friends or family, working on our hobbies, learning new skills. I urge you, the reader, to not waste your precious hard earned time on this game.

One of the best games of the franchise. Despite being a remake, It breathes new life into what was already one of the best video game sequels ever made.

The only game in which I can Griddy on someone's 10 year old son after cranking the sickest 90s and ending their pathetic little 4 player killing spree as Thanos from Endgame. Fuck you Timmy, Cry to your mom see if I care. 100/20

Actual dog ass. Shuntaro Furukawa took my childhood and shat on it right in front of me. I just sat and watched. Everything I know is a lie. Thank you nintendo.

One of the video games of all time. Very whelming.

I will forever have a soft spot for the game that taught me that video game developers are out to drain me of my life savings.

A crazy prequel to this amazing franchise. RIP to MGS

If the storm troopers in the movies had the aim of the basement dwelling, feet loving, inbred freaks that you find in the matchmaking for this game, we would not have gotten past the first half an hour of episode 1. The only time I ever actually did good in this game post BF2, it turns out I was killing the same guy. That guy then threatened to kill me over ps4 messages, very cool. I calmly informed this good man that I would love nothing more to violently separate his internal organs from the rest of his body. But if I were to come into close contact with a guy who probably eats feces soup and has enough black mold on his walls to knock out a hoard of raging bulls, That I would likely pass out from profuse vomiting. And instead of going through with this worst case scenario, I reported him to PlayStation. In short, just get battlefront 2. The "People" Who regularly Que up for this game will impede your experience greatly.