The perfect game to show off what the PS Vita can do. Must play if you own the system.

Had the potential to be a great shooter on the Vita. Started out decent and picked up steam on the way. Budget probably ran out at some point during development because enjoyment takes a sharp dive somewhere in the middle; the plot becomes hard to follow and gameplay is a constant meat grind. Would have given this game a 3.5/5 if it stayed that way, but Mission 6 had to happen; incredibly sharp difficulty spike, continuous shower of enemies and flat out unfair spawn points. Would have earned a 3/5 but the final boss fight was so broken I had to drop it to the current 2.5/5.

If most of the Vita launch titles did play like this, no wonder the console flopped financially.

Live out your Zorro fantasies. Single-player doesn't take that long. Great for couch co-op.

Clunky, basic and quite honestly not that interesting. Glad younger me didn't beg my parents to buy me this.


Early 10s indie staple, from a time when every creepy indie game made waves. The black/white & vignette combo really sells the vibe. A lot of the puzzles are playing a game of Guess, and the ones towards the end of the game are downright horrible. Worth giving it a shot if you didn't play it back in its hayday.


I remember playing the demo a lot as a kid but coming back to it now it's not a very polished experience. The Trine games would be something better to spend your time with.

Drawn out and boring tech demo, should've been free on the system if you ask me. Maybe it's good for kids but I don't see anyone in the right mind handing a Vita to a toddler.

Mini metroidvania with a handful of early 10s humor/memes/references. Plays nice, is simple and doesn't outstay its welcome. There's worse games to beat in 4 hours.

I can see how this became a peak time killer in the 90s.

I think this game tried to make use of Vita's Near feature a lot or something along those lines. Long dead now, never got the chance to play it.

Didn't even get much chance to play this, to be honest. Still love Golden Abyss, though I feel like this was just slapped on so that Sony could go "Look, we have Near."

Tech demo/showcase of the Vita's capabilities. Allow me to use this space and curse at Sony again for screwing up this incredible system.

[Counting completed as having unlocked all the characters and played a bit of Tekken Force]

Still holds up today as a great fighter. Banger tracks, graphics have their own charm and the post-arcade cutscenes are very goofy. Very smooth gameplay overall. Worth giving a try if you like Tekken overall.