Remake of the first PSX game. Hope you like a lot of downtime.

Just more of the same. Light indicator in stealth parts is a godsent at least. Yawn-inducing story. I'll just see if 2034 and 2035 make up for it.

Simplistic story, decent combat. Ten hours was tolerable but 45 hours to beat this game is asking for a lot. Also a lot of minigames.

Almost got to the ending then dropped it and too bored to play through the entire thing again just to get to the ending.

After 40 hours of multiple attempts to play through this game, I can confidently drop it in the dumpster and never look at it again. Just wait for the remake; if that's good play that, if it's crap just skip the game entirely or watch a story recap since that's the only redeeming quality.

Uncharted: Collectathon of Persia. Very repetitive.

Conspiraboomer simulator. Great if you like reading and logical thinking. Bug where the popups didn't appear was too annoying as they're integral to gameplay. Nice fit if you want to play something different for a change.

Seems fun but needs a lot of time and attention, personally I'm not in the mood for a 50 hour binge rn

A small-time shopkeeper moonlighting (he said the thing!) as a warrior fighting through ancient dungeons in search of shinies to sell is a neat idea on paper. The shop management part of the game is executed well enough. Combat is so horrid it made me drop the game entirely. Tone down the difficulty if you're planning on playing this to save yourself a headache.

Live out your barista fantasies. Chat up the regulars and make drinks with lo-fi beats to relax/study to in the backround. ✨Vibes✨. Best enjoyed with a hot beverage of your choice alongside.

Not everyone's cup of tea (pun intended). If you like light reading and/or are a coffee addict game's great.

Polished yet monotonous. After the initial exposition you're left going from platforming to combat for hours without a single drop of narrative. Progressing through the game is fun though, so if you don't pay much attention to story either way have a blast. I'd argue this game could've been inspiration for the Uncharted series as there's plenty of parallels.

Indie staple of the early 10s. Not as rage inducing as it was made out to be though the levels are still tricky to get through. Made it 5 levels before the final boss, might pick it up again to beat it properly. Worth a spin if you're into 2D platformers or want a trip down 2010 memory lane.

Sure it's not a masterpiece but definitely worth your time if you're into the Arkham Games. Still not entirely sure why the game got so much flak when it first came out. Still holds up great today though. Great boss fights.

It may lack the physics of Skate 3, but it surpasses its successor in every other category. Peak 00s vibes. 10 year old me would've loved this game.