889 reviews liked by Sugarloaf777

The best part of the Compilation of Final Fantasy 7. Wow.

It’s basically FF7R 0.

Zack is best boy and I’m delighted they brought him back at the end of FF7R.

Credits rolled after 4* village quests and 30 hours or so, but feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface.

Gunlance is best girl.

So good. Give me Intergrade and Part 2 now pls

It massively creaks at some parts but for a PS1 game it holds up really well. Got a bit filtered by the Liquid Snake scrap and the tunnel bit but I love this game and it’s cutscenes.

Hideo Kojima’s Magnum Opus.

Hard to believe this was released in 2001 when it so perfectly predicts 2021.

Casuals remain filtered by it.

Kojima’s Magnum Opus.

Everything in the series culminated with this. Kino Kino Kino.

Platinum Games make a camera system that doesn’t ruin your game challenge.

2 lists liked by Sugarloaf777