Only thing keeping it from being a 5 is it's not EXCEED.

Best video game ever. All the updates and additions to the gameplay bring it to its utter peak as it addresses all of the miniscule issues with the first game (too much enemy forced evasions, no party member swap in-battle) and adds a ton of new systems (SP regen post-battle, Assist System, multi-target finishers, player Forced Evasions, etc.) while still keeping it fairly challenging. More playable characters, more areas, more bosses, a dozen assist characters, and just kino all around that makes people who enjoyed the first game unable to catch their breath with how much epic the game throws at them one after the other. Absolute Kinology/10.

Best series list. Best OG cast. Best plot. God tier OST. Has one of the strongest OG-verse units. Absolute kinology/10

Pretty kino because Geass debut and had the very few times we ever see TV Wing. Also Crowe is based.

Great OG plot and has the best animations in the GBA SRW games. Biggest downside is honestly the bad level design with having a million reinforcements every stage. Still kino.

A bit way too easy compared to the GBA versions but the animations are extremely good.

Gameplays really fun but a bit jank and too easy. OST and art are absolutely godlike. Nu-Persona but good.

1 really good
2 succ
3 really good

Characters and plot are bad and boring. Gameplay is good but the stages are often boring, drawn out, and involves really stupid gimmicks. Only good for being able to move on to the other games.

Huge improvement from the older games gameplay-wise. Super good characters and plot. Stages are really simple but still fun. OP is by May'n. Imca best.

Oozing with SOUL and probably the best modern platformer mecha game out there.

Definitely one of the best rhythm mobage gachas out there. Oozes with SOUL.