You Don't Know Jack (Full Stream):
I am not really a fan of trivia but for this one I don't really care for winning because I love this game for being so utterly up it's own ass. Coming back to this game for the ridiculous comedy alone is worth it but that's just me.
This is one I'd recommend to try once or twice to see if you like it but if not then just play the other games. It's here for anyone who likes it.

Split the Room:
With the right crowd, this enigma of a game can be a blast. I enjoy it with my memey friend group but I really enjoy it more when this game is actually taken seriously. When I am in the right mood for it, getting people to really think about the scenario and coming up with answers to split the people your playing with is fun because it requires you to perceive a bit about the people you're playing with and allow that to influence your answer (to me atleast).
Not one of my favourites but when the circumstances align, Split the Room can be amazing.

Mad Verse City:
This game is very hard in my opinion so I tend to play it when I am not too relaxed. I am sad I don't get to play this often because it's one of my favourite games for concept alone but my friend group get mentally exhausted coming up with raps after round one if they're not really in the mood. When everyone and I is pumped up with wit however this game is utterly hysterical.
I couldn't care less about winning which means you have a fun ass game on your hands. Though like I said it is quite difficult to come up with bars in a short amount of time so play this when you feel... I'm just gonna say witty.

Patently Stupid:
I remember someone saying this is a worse version of Tee K.O. and I was like "...They're nothing alike?".
This game is honestly addicting at times and me and my friend group loved every second of it. Like Survive the Internet however playing it in too many intervals can soak up some enjoyment out of the concept. Fortunately, Patently Stupid isn't as bad as that game in terms of those circumstances because the game's concept still offers a lot of comedic value. With that said, I met people who dislike this game and I generally don't get why.

It's sad that this pack only contains 4 games. I wonder where that other game went that I totally am not refusing to remember? Oh well, this pack is really solid in my opinion with 3/4 being definite recommendations and the 1/4 being a game I'd say to try once to see if you like it.

Even if I have problems with the not well established protagonist, a couple plot elements that were never elaborated on as much as I wanted them to be, couple of annoying characters (Shut up Agria), couple of dumb character designs (puts some clothes on Pressa holy shit) and a lot of the dungeons being quite repetitive, I couldn't bring myself to give it 3 stars.

There is just something so charming about these cast of characters that make me smile whenever I see them, and they are so varied it's insane: a do-gooder doctor, a lord of spirits, an enigma of a mercenary, an innocent girl with a rude doll, a wise butler strategist and a happy go lucky girl who reeks of sunflowers. It's not as varied as Tales of Berseria's cast but it took me by surprise.
The villain's themselves I felt at first were power hungry generics as usual but I am glad that wasn't the case.

I liked how the plot unfolded too, and the circumstances surrounding events that transpire, especially towards the end, are hella interesting. Even if I don't really fully understand what they're going for with Jude, there is a specific moment with his and everyone's character that was really well executed at giving a sense of despair.

I am not a one for enjoying real time JRPG combat since I am more after the longer adventurous stories these games like to offer. However the combat here was quite fun and varied; the linked arts were hella satisfying to pull off and I love how it encourages/rewards you to memorise them.

Funny Story: I joined a custom server to simply have fun and some people were using unfair advantages such as spawning level 3 turrets instantly as any class or jumping high in the air (bunny hopping as they called it). I asked them how I can get the same abilities and they told me I need to use server credits to unlock them.
How do you get server credits? Well by continuing to put hours onto the server according to them. Let that sink in, I need to continue playing against these fuckers with an unfair advantage till I can eventually get the same advantage? Here is a cool trick, how about I just switch servers instead.
I'm not the best at TF2 but this is a load of bs and a prime example of how pathetic this community has gotten. This is not the only example either, I can list a whole bunch of situations.

As much as I love the characters, world and style I hate to admit that Valve has left this game on the overheated back burner which makes me upset. Constant bots and hackers, lack of updates and the horrible community is the reason this game is starting to fade to dust.

Only played a couple of matches online and it's gameplay is heavily flawed and lacking any enjoyment. Everyone in my lobby was a complete idiot and all the different roles are too chaotic for my taste. I also hate how short the time limit is so you can barley discuss all possibilities with the amount of people still alive so I experienced so many shots in the dark.

Best to play this with a massive friend group on voice. Otherwise just play the game in real life or use a free website for this game format because Town of Salem is a trash game made by trash developers.

Within a short amount of time, Senator Armstrong became one of my favourite video game villains of all time.
I won't allow that to overshadow the rest of the game though because the characters in this game are entertaining af.
Did I forget to mention that the soundtrack kicks lots of ass too?