Sonic Blast me to the moon and never come back.

The idea to put micro transactions in this already soulless toys to life game is a good way to get a 1 out of 10.

This game is probably a lower score but I have so much nostalgia for it that I can't bring myself to give it a lower score.
I can't deny that beating up robots with a friend is still fun to this day; I can tell the people making this actually cared about it.

Only played a couple of matches online and it's gameplay is heavily flawed and lacking any enjoyment. Everyone in my lobby was a complete idiot and all the different roles are too chaotic for my taste. I also hate how short the time limit is so you can barley discuss all possibilities with the amount of people still alive so I experienced so many shots in the dark.

Best to play this with a massive friend group on voice. Otherwise just play the game in real life or use a free website for this game format because Town of Salem is a trash game made by trash developers.

(Review originally posted on Google Reviews. I'm insane ik)
You will see many people give this game 5 stars and justify it by saying "The game play isn't THAT bad!", "It expands on the universe!" or "The main character's duo is interesting!"
In response to this, I say they are rather insane or just a Danganronpa fan (not that there is much difference). To say that this game is 5 stars based on no elaboration is ridiculous. This game is in my top 5 worst of all time and is what made me think Kodaka is a terrible writer.

Graphics: The execution style cut scenes (like a boss' defeat) are pretty as always and the anime style cut scenes are aight, the CG models though are tolerable at best.

Gameplay: While I can see someone sort of having fun with it, I found the game play of shooting very clunky. The variety in enemies and ammunition types is great but you'll be only using two of them (Break and Burn) since they're the only good ones. Combine that with lackluster level design then you're going to be bored throughout. I guess it was fun ripping people to shreds as genocide jack but at that point, why not just make that the entire game play if I am having the most fun with that? On their own, the puzzles are fine but I found the game's pacing very inconsistent when one moment I am shooting through a bland level then the other I am doing a Zero Escape like puzzle. The only puzzles I liked were the ones where you had to utilise different ammunition types.

Music: It's fine. Nothing really stands out as much as the other games though.

Story: The story is what makes this game go from 3 stars to 1 star...
- The dialogue is atrocious as Toko, the horrible representation of DID, will say some random unfunny joke out of nowhere one time and Komaru, the fan service tool, will always preach about how she is a normal girl. Their development is fine I guess but I can't immerse myself in their relationship when everything else about the story is legit trash.
- There is a character who basically confesses/implies he is into little girls and the main characters don't say anything.
- The villains are trash. "Adult did bad thing to me so I hate all adults!" is such a lame motivation. Not to mention this game has some of the worst representation for child abuse I have ever seen in a media, not to mention this game basically sexualises the equivalent to a child. They are all annoying and not interesting at all, except besides the blue haired one I guess.
- Scenes just there for cringe fan service and nothing else (chapter 3 cough cough).
- When I found that the kids were the bad guys, I was so hype to see what Kurokuma's role would be. Would he be an interesting antihero/secondary antagonist? Nah, he's just a lame comedic side role.
- The plot twist at the end is literal garbage, (spoiler warning even tho I still don't recommend this game) Kurokuma and Shirokuma turned out to be more Junko AI's who manipulated both the adults and the kids.
- My main problem with this game's story is how it's ridiculous yet how it wants me to take it seriously. Danganronpa's story is ridiculous already and it would work better if it embraced it's ridiculousness and comedy but the later entries in the series want me to take this ludicrous premise seriously. This is like asking me to take the Bee Movie seriously.

I would make a joke based on the title about how this game is total chaos but I got on my knees, praying to God thanking Him that instead I can make an ironic one related to how boring this game is.

This game is utterly worthless with some of the most boring and infuriating level design I have ever seen. Might be the worst 2D sonic game I've played in all honesty.

Why do games like this always start off really fucking good and then fall to pieces as it goes along?

Don't show yourself to be this cool ass open world adventure then make the later chapters to be underwhelming, boring, linear levels that make me wish I was playing a better indie game like CrossCode or Hollow Knight.

Very mixed overall, I really wanted to like this more because of the hype 80's aesthetic but I can't deny the sour taste in my mouth by the end. This could have been so much better.
Also why does Charlie's text sprite look like an older women cosplaying her?

Pretty interesting story about cool, charming characters trying to fix a broken dystopian world (looking gorgeous graphically) that really impacted me. The bosses are really fun too.

Unfortunately, backtracking in this game isn't all that fun and the level design is something left to be desired. However I still appreciate the effort that went into this game by the 1 developer who made it over a period of 8 years.

This review contains spoilers

Case 1:
A pretty great opening to the game which reminds me of the first case in Trials and Tribulations. While not as great as that case, it does drop some major bomb shells and does a really good job at introducing the player to the overall mystery in the game. Why is Phoenix the defendant? Why did your supposed friendly mentor kill the victim? The way they introduce Wright as this completely different person already kicks the case into high gear.
It does a decent job at introducing Apollo but I admit that I was distracted by how good everything else was. Poor Apollo just wanted to defend someone but then he gets wrapped up in all this hi-jinx like me. Olga Orly is also one of the funniest witnesses with her breakdown being utterly hysterical (mainly the expression). I don't really know what else to say other than It's a really good first case. The perceive mechanic is also pretty neat.

Case 2:
I cringed out of my seat when Trucy, the fifteen year old magician, had "magic panties" however I like the way the bloomer thief was used; he is one of the funniest witnesses and his reason for stealing I did not expect. The way the case came together with some parts was also hilarious like how the doctor guy couldn't get his car to start working because the panty thief shoved Trucy's bloomers in the exhaust to hide them. Some of the characters here are also quite charming and cool but that is all the thoughts I have about this case to be honest. It feels like Recipe for Turnabout if it didn't have majorly stupid unbelievable plot points but if it was a little less humorous but still funny.

Case 3:
Throws up
No seriously I actually wanted to go to heaven after experiencing this case. An utter travesty that I can't for the life of me figure out what the writers of this case were on when they wrote this. Recipe for Turnabout and Big Top Turnabout may be stupid but at least they had something of enjoyment to offer. Other than Lamiroir and the breakdown being great, let me list the reasons why this case is the worst in the series...
- This case feels like the writers had some good ideas and were desperate to make it work but unfortunately fell flat.
- The prosecution's entire case ruins Klavier and Ema for me because they basically get all their braincells removed. A supposed blind 14 year old pianist is apparently capable of committing the crime despite the fact the murder weapon is something that'd dislodge his shoulder (the game even SAYS this) and he is not strong enough to carry someone like the victim (who is a big muscular man) all across from the dressing room to the stage in a short amount of time. The prosecution don't even give a motive as to why Machi went through all the trouble to kill someone only to drag the body, pass out near it and then get caught like an idiot. What's the other little thing? Oh yeah, HE IS BLIND! Well it is revealed he isn't the true blind one but the fact nobody during the trial brings up such a significant fact during the beginning and instead focus about how he is the only one who can fit through the vent had me pulling my hair out. I was screaming "APOLLO! BRING UP THE FACT HE IS BLIND! OH FINALLY! WAIT HE MISSED TWICE SO THAT MEANS THE KILLER MUST BE BLIND?!?!?! OH FUCK ME!!!", and I still feel angry thinking about it.
- The silliness doesn't just lie with the prosecution's case. The fact that LeTouse survived a gunshot for that long conveniently for Apollo to hear him give a clue is so stupid, I feel like it was done on purpose to throw the player off from the true time he was shot. The fact that LeTouse said the name of a witness but not the killer had me face palming. There is way more stupidness in this case but I will save your brain cells from vanishing.
- The overall mystery and plot here are so BORING. I actually almost fell asleep. The stuff with Lamiroir is the only exception because I was invested in her development but everything else was such a massive amount of wasted potential. The fact that the murder happened at a Klavier concert and the way the characters were introduced were great but as soon as the murder happens it's all downhill.
- The trials are already incredibly frustrating to progress due to everyone's stupidity but another infuriating thing is how you're forced to watch the same clip so many times. The funny thing is that I actually hated using the volume mixer even more because there was a certain point where I was trying to prove where Machi could have pressed some button or whatever but the controls were so confusing that I didn't even know if I encountered a glitch or not. At that point, already sick and tired of the case, I just gave up on it and watched the rest of Youtube.
Never mind Turnabout Big Top, this case is the definition of stupidness and wasted potential. This case is as bad as some of the mind numbing cases in Danganronpa and that is something I didn't want to say with an Ace Attorney chapter. Overall, fuck this case.

Case 4:
I took a break with Apollo Justice because I was just so fatigued after the game's disgusting 3rd case. This is the case I should probably experience again since I feel like I wasn't in the right mindset at the time.
From what I can say though this case is pretty good. I won't argue with people who may say this is one of the best in the series but I can say that personally I didn't find Apollo Justice's overall story to be that interesting. I soon came to the realisation that Apollo and Trucy, the protagonists of the game, felt like they were just spectators to the events unfolding.
Apollo is completely outshines by Phoenix here which kinda defeats the purpose of this game which was to introduce a new attorney to take Phoenix's place. I don't hate Apollo but I felt like for someone who has his name in the game's title, I expected him to be more involved outside of the reveal that he is technically Trucy's brother. Trucy I think is good and I like as a character more than Maya but in terms of story relevance, that all goes to Maya. Trucy is involved in the overall story majorly but when comparing her with Maya, her involvement still felt bland which is crazy since she is part of the magician family... Okay maybe bland is really harsh and I am probably just remembering things wrong - one of the reasons I need to play this case again.
Speaking of, the entire plotline with how Phoenix lost his attorney badge, the troubles with Trucy's family and Kristoph's involvement are really good but I just wasn't as interested in all this in comparison to the original games which blew me away. Bare in mind that I took a break between this game and T&T.
Kristoph was amazing in terms of personality, presence and intimidation so it felt really satisfying to learn that chad Phoenix Wright developed into being a really calculating person through all his preparation to ensure Kristoph's defeat. I really wish Kristoph though had a better motivation outside of him wanting to cheat because outside of his amazing presence, he had a generic bad guy motivation.
Klavier is my favourite character for being hysterical but even I have to admit that he didn't really feel like he was impacting anything here.
In terms of how this case was set out, I really like the defendant so you will not be surprised to see that my jaw dropped when she fell to the floor thanks to the same poison. Vera reminded me that Ace Attorney is great at making really expressive and memorable characters. The peaking into the past and future was also quite cool.
Overall, this case can be enjoyed heavily by someone if they are really invested in the overarching story set up by the first case. Unfortunately, that person wasn't me.

I don't hate it but I don't really like it either. I guess I had a good time with it but every time I think of Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice doesn't really come to my mind. Maybe if the third case wasn't so bad I would have been pumped for the final but I was so fatigued after that, even a break wasn't even to get me invested back into the game.
I will say this though, the soundtrack in this game fucking SLAPS! I absolutely love the tracks in this game and it might be the best ost in the entire series.
Also Klavier is one of the best prosecutors don't @ me.


This game is flawless in every shape and form. Despite the 10/10 and all the positive talk, this game is not for everyone but is absolutely the game to try if you're interested in getting into games that utilise the rouge lite system. In short, what makes this game so good is how much attention to detail went into almost everything. Bullet pointing will be much easier than shoving it into one big paragraph.
- The art style is fantastic. Instantly distinctive with it's mix of hand drawn environments and 3D models that work wonders.
- The music slaps.
- FILLED with fun content.
- The story isn't amazing but it is a very unique take on the tale of Hades, which focuses on his son Zagreus as he wishes to transcend to the surface. Despite his father's attempts to stop him, the Gods of Olympus support the prince in his journey to the top (which links perfectly with the gameplay). Usually Hades is portrayed as an evil individual because OoOoOoOoOo death is evil so Hades must be too! When in this game, he has flaws but has surprisingly understandable motivations for wanting to stop his son. The way the story changes and unfolds is what makes it very engaging. The way the tale is told feels exactly like a mythological tale. This take of Greek mythology has to be one of my favorites.
- You will be dying over and over but it links perfectly with the story and progression.
- The dialogue and voice acting is the best part of the game by far for me at least. Despite being 135 hours in, I am still getting new pieces of dialogue and I almost never skip it for how every piece of speech is interesting to listen to and makes every character distinctive in their own way. With their being TONS of dialogue, all voice acted might I add, with the likes of the bosses you'll encounter, the Greek gods, etc, it makes each run across the underworld feel unique.
- There is almost lots of things to look forward to in this game. Despite there only being 4 stages, the game is dedicated to throwing plenty of abilities, weapons, scenarios and more to make each run different from the last; usually good rouge lite games do this. Not only that but after returning from an escape attempt, there will be new things happening around the hub area as I found it relaxing/satisfying to talk and increase my bonds with the various characters you meet, and use items I collected during runs to upgrade or spruce up the hub. Rouge lites are perfect for possibly playing 1 or 2 runs, taking a break then coming back to do more, unless you're me who likes to binge play.

Overall, I'd recommend anyone giving this game a chance to see if it's for you. For what it is, Hades is a masterpiece.

This is the New Super Mario Bros game that made me realise how similar the other games were getting. It wasn't until U when I realised that I ultimately don't give a single shit about this series at all.

Even if I don't care about the series, I still like how they were at least unique in some aspects but this game is legit the same as the original except with more gold coins.

This review contains spoilers

Case 1:
Like how Pheonix got amnesia, this one is quite forgettable. It's okay but it doesn't hold a candle to The First Turnabout. This feels as if it was made to introduce the mechanics again.

Case 2:
Pretty decent. I felt like the investigation was got me lost at points and it introduces a really cringe character (Dr Hotti) that I hope will burn into the sun. The killer's entire story was okay but I was mainly interested in how the trials took place because it was the first time we get to see Maya's home village and it's really interesting to learn more about how this spirit medium family runs. The fact this is more so setting up Bridge to the Turnabout makes me like it even more. The introduction of the Psyche-Lock mechanic is a good way of making the player more engaged in investigations.

Case 3:
I don't think this one is as bad as people say to be honest. The case can feel really silly at points like how the cape coincidentally fell off the ringleader's waist and fell onto the bust but I didn't mind such an absurd mystery due to the setting being a circus. This is just personal preference but I actually liked the characters in this one (except the defendant being unlikable a bit and having a horrible design but he changes towards the end). I found the ventriloquist to be hilarious, the clown I liked for having a serious side to him, and just the other characters in general I didn't mind at all. I thought the end was pretty wholesome and unraveling the entire mystery behind the circus had me unironically engaged. I am a bit mixed still though for some moments in the trial, character moments and investigation being really stupid, like how some of the characters plan to propose to a 16 year old which is really poggers. I have also heard some good points on how the killer's motivation could have been sorted if he simply talked it out to someone; I can understand if someone finds this case a massive bundle of wasted potential. This filler case isn't as good as Turnabout Samurai but at least it's better than The Lost Turnabout.

Case 4:
What the fuck. I was on the verge of giving this game a much lower score until this case. This case is my second favourite in the entire franchise and it's not hard to see why. This case shines because of how it pushes Pheonix's character to his limits, the stakes are completely off the wall in this one. At first it seems really simple but by the end of the first trial it proves itself to be more bigger in scale. Phoenix is at his best in this one because it explores what it means to be a lawyer to him personally and it's executed perfectly. The investigations were engaging, the trials were beyond fun, it is paced amazingly, I honestly can't put it into words how much I liked this case. It manages to do so much in one case and the other forms of development different characters go through (Edgeworth, Gumshoe, Pearls, Maya, Von Karma, Andrea Andrews, etc) are really exceptional. To top it off, it has one of the most satisfying breakdowns in the entire series. Matt Engarde is the catalyst for making Phoenix morally question himself while Shelly De Killer is the catalyst for the stakes being as high as they are - it's bad enough that the judge is pestering Wright for the trial to end sooner.

The worst out of the original trilogy but it isn't bad by all means. Even the worst case being the first one is still enjoyable, but I found a majority of these cases besides the last one to be lacking in comparison to the first game and the excellent cases in the third game. That last case though... Oh my god, that took me by surprise. The last case alone makes this game's score higher than I originally was intending it to be.
I wasn't to keen on the soundtrack in this one too. The first and third game have some bangers but nothing really sticks out to me in this one.

This review contains spoilers

Case 1:
After the first case in Justice For All being pretty pants in comparison to the one in the first game, I was pretty nervous about this one but not only is the concept for this case genius but the entire mystery that is set up is an overarching mystery that'll be present throughout the game.
Starting off with the concept, taking a look into the past with Mia's first trial (well it's not really her first but you know what I mean) is a great way to give another tutorial since it makes sense that Grossberg (always nice to see the man behind the slaughter once again) and being able to play as Mia was a nice surprise. Not only that but we get to see a peek into character lore like how Mia met Phoenix, what Mia was like as a rookie lawyer, what drove Phoenix to start becoming a lawyer, how Payne lost his hair, etc.
Unlike the previous first cases, the way this one unraveled had me engaged from start to finish because it felt like something they were setting up to be an overarching mystery and I was right. For the first time it didn't feel like a filler case because I felt like there had to be a reason for it to be a flashback. Dahlia is a fantastic villain to hate; I could feel her bitter rivalry with Mia the first time they clashed. Unlike the weasel from The Lost Turnabout, I felt like Dahlia's presence was of severe importance to the story.
Overall for a first case it really blew my socks off for how everything aligned so well here. Trials and Tribulations is off to a great start.

Case 2:
After getting pumped from the fantastic first case, the second case left me mixed. I find the concept interesting, I loved Andrea Andrew's return, Luke Atmey is hysterical, Larry Butz's involvement was a meme and there was other aspects I really liked. Godot's introduction was amazing because he comes out of nowhere which is the entire point of his character. I don't really have much to say on this one to be honest other than "I like it" but it felt weird all of a sudden for the game to slip back to the same decent quality Justice For All brought, especially after that amazing first case. I wasn't all to fond of the defendant either.

Case 3:
The worst case in the original trilogy because it's the only one where I was truly perplexed by how absurd some of the plot points where. You're telling me this big muscular tiger man fooled everyone in the courtroom with a fake cardboard attorney badge and a similar hairstyle? They went through all that trouble setting up a time, disguise and more just o produce a witness with that old man? I am aware Ace Attorney has it's satirical moments but since this is a major plot point, I start to question the actual levity of it which takes me out of the immersion. At least all the absurdities Luke Atmey did I didn't fully question. I don't feel like the idea of a phony Phoenix Wright is pointless because I think they did it to establish the fact that Furio Tigre is willing to disguise himself but it still feels like wasted potential.
I feel like this should have stuck with the concept of Phoenix losing a trial and then getting a second chance. Though it might have been hard to pull off, I feel like maybe it could then proceed to Pheonix getting a second chance due to new discoveries, then he could recap the case to himself so the player knows what has happened so far. While not perfect, I think this would lead into some interesting scenarios like what would happen if a defense attorney didn't have access to opportunities to carve a path towards the truth (missing a potential piece of evidence for example). It could have also gave Godot another reason to bash Wright even more.
Overall this filler case is carried by Godot, the humorous writing (this case is unironically and ironically one of the funniest cases), some interesting individuals and banger music (Furio Tigre theme slaps). Whilst having some really wacky and interesting character moments, I recommend turning your brain off for this case.

Case 4:
After a decent second case and a sort of mediocre but enjoyable third case, I was feeling a little disappointed with Trials and Tribulations due to hearing a lot of people say this is the best in the trilogy. I was surprised to learn that the fourth case here wasn't the final one in the game which made me interested and as soon as it showed Phoenix looking at Mia's first case, I jumped up in excitement. A look into the past once again shows Mia's actual first case which sheds light on how Mia encountered Dahlia, Edgeworth's first time prosecuting, Godot's first time as a defense attorney (which took me by surprise) and more.
This case is short but I legit couldn't care less when it is hitting me in the feels so hard. I just knew the last case was gonna slap even harder.

Case 5:
My third favourite in the entire series. Apart from a couple of very minor nitpicks like how it took them a day to get a new bridge across to an area a child was stuck at (You know? In danger?), why didn't they call a helicopter or something? I also thought I wouldn't like the use of the spiritual medium concept because of the major significance it plays in this case, but I ended up liking it a ton.
To be honest I don't really need to explain why this case is considered one of the best. It ties everything together perfectly and involves all the characters in really cool ways like how you get to play as Edgeworth in the first trial. I also don't need to explain how Godot is wonderful too, he is one of my favourite video game antagonists. Whilst I personally like Justice For All's last case because of Phoenix's development and how it was done (as well as the high stakes), this case is better for being an amazing all in one package that truly feels like a final.

This was a massive toss up between this and the first game but I believe this is the best one due to how every story beats are brought together perfectly in the game's first, fourth and final case. Even the second and third case still shined through the characters we already know, and the music is also a massive improvement over Justice For All.

God where do I even begin with this one? Yet another indie game that represents the main issue I have with all promise but no delivering.

There are some sections that felt really cool! Nice of the devs to place those bits in the trailer whilst the unpolished pieces remained absent, I swear the trailer basically shows off all the parts of the game I liked the most. There is a good concept here but this game lacks so much polish from the graphics which look like a flash game, all the way to the horrific sound design and subpar gameplay.
The boss fights are possibly my favourite part because of the interesting concepts they present, like how you play the boss of an RPG. The execution of some of these though are mixed.

The only reason this isn't lower is because some of the writing is pretty funny and makes some of the characters memorable but that's also few and far between. To this game's credit, it's the indie title that made me be more careful when buying indie games.