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Case 1:
A pretty great opening to the game which reminds me of the first case in Trials and Tribulations. While not as great as that case, it does drop some major bomb shells and does a really good job at introducing the player to the overall mystery in the game. Why is Phoenix the defendant? Why did your supposed friendly mentor kill the victim? The way they introduce Wright as this completely different person already kicks the case into high gear.
It does a decent job at introducing Apollo but I admit that I was distracted by how good everything else was. Poor Apollo just wanted to defend someone but then he gets wrapped up in all this hi-jinx like me. Olga Orly is also one of the funniest witnesses with her breakdown being utterly hysterical (mainly the expression). I don't really know what else to say other than It's a really good first case. The perceive mechanic is also pretty neat.

Case 2:
I cringed out of my seat when Trucy, the fifteen year old magician, had "magic panties" however I like the way the bloomer thief was used; he is one of the funniest witnesses and his reason for stealing I did not expect. The way the case came together with some parts was also hilarious like how the doctor guy couldn't get his car to start working because the panty thief shoved Trucy's bloomers in the exhaust to hide them. Some of the characters here are also quite charming and cool but that is all the thoughts I have about this case to be honest. It feels like Recipe for Turnabout if it didn't have majorly stupid unbelievable plot points but if it was a little less humorous but still funny.

Case 3:
Throws up
No seriously I actually wanted to go to heaven after experiencing this case. An utter travesty that I can't for the life of me figure out what the writers of this case were on when they wrote this. Recipe for Turnabout and Big Top Turnabout may be stupid but at least they had something of enjoyment to offer. Other than Lamiroir and the breakdown being great, let me list the reasons why this case is the worst in the series...
- This case feels like the writers had some good ideas and were desperate to make it work but unfortunately fell flat.
- The prosecution's entire case ruins Klavier and Ema for me because they basically get all their braincells removed. A supposed blind 14 year old pianist is apparently capable of committing the crime despite the fact the murder weapon is something that'd dislodge his shoulder (the game even SAYS this) and he is not strong enough to carry someone like the victim (who is a big muscular man) all across from the dressing room to the stage in a short amount of time. The prosecution don't even give a motive as to why Machi went through all the trouble to kill someone only to drag the body, pass out near it and then get caught like an idiot. What's the other little thing? Oh yeah, HE IS BLIND! Well it is revealed he isn't the true blind one but the fact nobody during the trial brings up such a significant fact during the beginning and instead focus about how he is the only one who can fit through the vent had me pulling my hair out. I was screaming "APOLLO! BRING UP THE FACT HE IS BLIND! OH FINALLY! WAIT HE MISSED TWICE SO THAT MEANS THE KILLER MUST BE BLIND?!?!?! OH FUCK ME!!!", and I still feel angry thinking about it.
- The silliness doesn't just lie with the prosecution's case. The fact that LeTouse survived a gunshot for that long conveniently for Apollo to hear him give a clue is so stupid, I feel like it was done on purpose to throw the player off from the true time he was shot. The fact that LeTouse said the name of a witness but not the killer had me face palming. There is way more stupidness in this case but I will save your brain cells from vanishing.
- The overall mystery and plot here are so BORING. I actually almost fell asleep. The stuff with Lamiroir is the only exception because I was invested in her development but everything else was such a massive amount of wasted potential. The fact that the murder happened at a Klavier concert and the way the characters were introduced were great but as soon as the murder happens it's all downhill.
- The trials are already incredibly frustrating to progress due to everyone's stupidity but another infuriating thing is how you're forced to watch the same clip so many times. The funny thing is that I actually hated using the volume mixer even more because there was a certain point where I was trying to prove where Machi could have pressed some button or whatever but the controls were so confusing that I didn't even know if I encountered a glitch or not. At that point, already sick and tired of the case, I just gave up on it and watched the rest of Youtube.
Never mind Turnabout Big Top, this case is the definition of stupidness and wasted potential. This case is as bad as some of the mind numbing cases in Danganronpa and that is something I didn't want to say with an Ace Attorney chapter. Overall, fuck this case.

Case 4:
I took a break with Apollo Justice because I was just so fatigued after the game's disgusting 3rd case. This is the case I should probably experience again since I feel like I wasn't in the right mindset at the time.
From what I can say though this case is pretty good. I won't argue with people who may say this is one of the best in the series but I can say that personally I didn't find Apollo Justice's overall story to be that interesting. I soon came to the realisation that Apollo and Trucy, the protagonists of the game, felt like they were just spectators to the events unfolding.
Apollo is completely outshines by Phoenix here which kinda defeats the purpose of this game which was to introduce a new attorney to take Phoenix's place. I don't hate Apollo but I felt like for someone who has his name in the game's title, I expected him to be more involved outside of the reveal that he is technically Trucy's brother. Trucy I think is good and I like as a character more than Maya but in terms of story relevance, that all goes to Maya. Trucy is involved in the overall story majorly but when comparing her with Maya, her involvement still felt bland which is crazy since she is part of the magician family... Okay maybe bland is really harsh and I am probably just remembering things wrong - one of the reasons I need to play this case again.
Speaking of, the entire plotline with how Phoenix lost his attorney badge, the troubles with Trucy's family and Kristoph's involvement are really good but I just wasn't as interested in all this in comparison to the original games which blew me away. Bare in mind that I took a break between this game and T&T.
Kristoph was amazing in terms of personality, presence and intimidation so it felt really satisfying to learn that chad Phoenix Wright developed into being a really calculating person through all his preparation to ensure Kristoph's defeat. I really wish Kristoph though had a better motivation outside of him wanting to cheat because outside of his amazing presence, he had a generic bad guy motivation.
Klavier is my favourite character for being hysterical but even I have to admit that he didn't really feel like he was impacting anything here.
In terms of how this case was set out, I really like the defendant so you will not be surprised to see that my jaw dropped when she fell to the floor thanks to the same poison. Vera reminded me that Ace Attorney is great at making really expressive and memorable characters. The peaking into the past and future was also quite cool.
Overall, this case can be enjoyed heavily by someone if they are really invested in the overarching story set up by the first case. Unfortunately, that person wasn't me.

I don't hate it but I don't really like it either. I guess I had a good time with it but every time I think of Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice doesn't really come to my mind. Maybe if the third case wasn't so bad I would have been pumped for the final but I was so fatigued after that, even a break wasn't even to get me invested back into the game.
I will say this though, the soundtrack in this game fucking SLAPS! I absolutely love the tracks in this game and it might be the best ost in the entire series.
Also Klavier is one of the best prosecutors don't @ me.

It's kinda fun at first and satisfying if you pull off the right strategy but this game also legit relies on luck, and even if you beat the bs wave they throw at you the game just straight up admits "NOPE! We don't want you winning!!!"
Why is there so much trash in the arcade these days? What happened to just putting in a coin then having some quick fun for a short time?

I get the nostalgia people might have for this game but I tried it and most of the characters suck ass.

For a game that went through development hell however, it could have been a lot worse so I respect you Sakurai and Iwata.

One of the most boring games I have ever played.

Why do games like this always start off really fucking good and then fall to pieces as it goes along?

Don't show yourself to be this cool ass open world adventure then make the later chapters to be underwhelming, boring, linear levels that make me wish I was playing a better indie game like CrossCode or Hollow Knight.

Very mixed overall, I really wanted to like this more because of the hype 80's aesthetic but I can't deny the sour taste in my mouth by the end. This could have been so much better.
Also why does Charlie's text sprite look like an older women cosplaying her?

Sometimes the level design is so hard it makes me want to tear my hair out. But messing around in the various sand boxes were my shit when I was young and it's still fun to this day.

Usually spin off games like this suck so hard but they managed to create a unique vehicle builder game with the BAD PIGGIES of all peeps. I mad respect this one.

Not as enticing as Black Ops 1 and 2's campaign but I love this campaign for a different reason since this one is based more on reality than fiction. There are of course some fictional elements but I really felt like I was a soldier fighting in World War 2. Unlike Call of Duty WW2's campaign which felt like a safe cliche Michael Bay movie, World at War actually has the guts to stay true to history while still feeling epic.

Nowadays the multiplayer is unplayable due to some glitches and everywhere being filled with hackers but for the times I did get a normal match, I had a blast because the map design here is outstanding. Each map and weapon feel very distinct from each other.

While Black Ops improved zombies massively (and Black Ops 2 to an extent), World at War's zombies is where it all began and it was an amazing introduction to the side mode we all know and love. World at War and Black Ops' zombies understands what it is perfectly: a simple arcade mode where you go in and see how long you last instead of the complex crap nowadays.

Pretty interesting story about cool, charming characters trying to fix a broken dystopian world (looking gorgeous graphically) that really impacted me. The bosses are really fun too.

Unfortunately, backtracking in this game isn't all that fun and the level design is something left to be desired. However I still appreciate the effort that went into this game by the 1 developer who made it over a period of 8 years.

Quiplash 2:
I actually don't mind going back to this one despite the third one being out. I can understand the Quiplash 3's final round being disliked by some people. Despite being a sucker for 3's claymation aesthetic (I am already a massive stop motion fanboy), I still really like this one's soundtrack and relaxing style.
Not much else to say it's Quiplash.

Trivia Murder Party:
My only real problem here is the Americanised trivia questions without the option to turn them off (something the sequel included). Despite sucking at Trivia, I love almost everything about this game and I get reminded me that Jackbox are kings when it comes to the theme of their games. This entire game defines Out of the Frying Pan and it's hysterical because of it.

Whilst not a game I visit often, I have a decent time when I play Guesspionage. Guessing different percentages and then finding out what it really is was surprisingly enjoyable. Don't really have much to say on this one except that it's decent fun.

Tee K.O:
I've seen a few people overate this game honestly because I personally don't like how the voting system works. Drawing shirts is fun but winning this game seems really unsatisfying. Maybe I should give this game another go but I always sigh whether I play it because I'd rather just play Champ'd Up which is better in almost every way. The art style and the fact they let you purchase the shirts however is just amazing.

Fakin' It:
Hands of Truth and You Gotta Point are addicting, Number Pressure is alright, Face Value is bad and the last round is almost impossible for the Faker to win.

Not really a reason to revisit this one other than nostalgia, though thinking about it now most of the games here are pretty good, there isn't really a bad one here. I can understand people liking this one a lot to an extent but personally this isn't the pack that gets me excited.

I haven't played all the games here so I can't really say anything about them individually but there doesn't really seem to be a reason to pick this one up except for maaayyybe You Don't Know Jack.

Fibbage and Drawful already have better sequels so there isn't really a point in going back here; Lie Swatter and Word Spud look awful.

This pack has more justification for replayability with Bidiots being pretty fun as well as Quiplash 1 being there for anyone who wants to use the prompts from that game and listen to the poppin' soundtrack.

Fibbage 3 is the definitive version of Fibbage but I haven't played the second one so I can't say if anything in there is worth going back for. Ear Wax and Bomb Corp I have heard bad things about but I can't judge since I haven't played them so they're there for people who enjoy them.

Fibbage 3:
Probably one of my all time favourite Jackbox games for the music and art alone.
Retro, bendy, popping, swirly and abstract, the amount of vocabulary I can use to describe this game's flair relaxes me as the words roll off my tongue. I am being too descriptive for my own good here but the pop art imagery with the surreal eyes and plants are right up my alley.
I will admit I do need to play the main game more but Fibbage Enough About You is why this game is one of my favourite Jackbox games - it's so much fun getting to know weird facts about your friends that you might not have known before.
Making my nose grow like Pinocchio never felt better.

Survive the Internet:
Good game that can get old pretty fast. Sometimes when I play it, me and my mates are laughing hysterically but some other rounds we're just snoring. I can't decide if it's just us or the game but to be safe I'll just say these mixed circumstances lie on us. Otherwise, this game's concept is great and if you don't overplay it like we did, you'll love it.

Monster Seeking Monster:
The artstyle and music? Tippy toppy banger. Gameplay? I can see why people wouldn't like this game. I personally enjoy it but it's one of those games where you have play it once to decide if you like it or not. When it comes to why I enjoy it, I don't really focus on winning and more focus on trying to be funny; watching conversations unfold is hysterical.

My friend group and I played this a decent amount to find out it was mediocre. To be honest the main concept here isn't bad and I think it could be really fun if you were a twitch streamer with lots of followers. However when you're in a friend group that try to be memey, this problem arises: a person makes a funny answer and that answer gets put up against a sort of serious answer to the prompt, the meme answer gets picked and moves onto the next round but when that next bracket comes along, the funny answer has lost it's comedic weight by then so it's obvious what people are going to go for.
My apologies in advance if I am not explaining this well enough but basically I feel like this game needs to be played in a specific way. While the final round does mix some things up in funny ways, it isn't enough to make me think that Bracketeering is quite less enjoyable if playing with friends who like to meme. I will admit the fault of this lies more with us than the game which is why I say mediocre overall.

Civic Doodle:
Not going to lie I kinda liked this one. I haven't had the chance to play it in a while because every Jackbox session I have been in nobody wants to play this one and I can understand why; there are much better drawing games out there than this Civic Doodle but that doesn't mean it's awful. At the end of the day, it's one big meh.

Fibbage 3 is the definite game I'd recommend to anyone while Monster Seeking Monster and Survive the Internet I see as games I couldn't really play on repeat all the time. The other two... Meh. Not awful but they are quite forgettable. I think this is a pack that is rather a love or hate it.

You Don't Know Jack (Full Stream):
I am not really a fan of trivia but for this one I don't really care for winning because I love this game for being so utterly up it's own ass. Coming back to this game for the ridiculous comedy alone is worth it but that's just me.
This is one I'd recommend to try once or twice to see if you like it but if not then just play the other games. It's here for anyone who likes it.

Split the Room:
With the right crowd, this enigma of a game can be a blast. I enjoy it with my memey friend group but I really enjoy it more when this game is actually taken seriously. When I am in the right mood for it, getting people to really think about the scenario and coming up with answers to split the people your playing with is fun because it requires you to perceive a bit about the people you're playing with and allow that to influence your answer (to me atleast).
Not one of my favourites but when the circumstances align, Split the Room can be amazing.

Mad Verse City:
This game is very hard in my opinion so I tend to play it when I am not too relaxed. I am sad I don't get to play this often because it's one of my favourite games for concept alone but my friend group get mentally exhausted coming up with raps after round one if they're not really in the mood. When everyone and I is pumped up with wit however this game is utterly hysterical.
I couldn't care less about winning which means you have a fun ass game on your hands. Though like I said it is quite difficult to come up with bars in a short amount of time so play this when you feel... I'm just gonna say witty.

Patently Stupid:
I remember someone saying this is a worse version of Tee K.O. and I was like "...They're nothing alike?".
This game is honestly addicting at times and me and my friend group loved every second of it. Like Survive the Internet however playing it in too many intervals can soak up some enjoyment out of the concept. Fortunately, Patently Stupid isn't as bad as that game in terms of those circumstances because the game's concept still offers a lot of comedic value. With that said, I met people who dislike this game and I generally don't get why.

It's sad that this pack only contains 4 games. I wonder where that other game went that I totally am not refusing to remember? Oh well, this pack is really solid in my opinion with 3/4 being definite recommendations and the 1/4 being a game I'd say to try once to see if you like it.

Even if I have problems with the not well established protagonist, a couple plot elements that were never elaborated on as much as I wanted them to be, couple of annoying characters (Shut up Agria), couple of dumb character designs (puts some clothes on Pressa holy shit) and a lot of the dungeons being quite repetitive, I couldn't bring myself to give it 3 stars.

There is just something so charming about these cast of characters that make me smile whenever I see them, and they are so varied it's insane: a do-gooder doctor, a lord of spirits, an enigma of a mercenary, an innocent girl with a rude doll, a wise butler strategist and a happy go lucky girl who reeks of sunflowers. It's not as varied as Tales of Berseria's cast but it took me by surprise.
The villain's themselves I felt at first were power hungry generics as usual but I am glad that wasn't the case.

I liked how the plot unfolded too, and the circumstances surrounding events that transpire, especially towards the end, are hella interesting. Even if I don't really fully understand what they're going for with Jude, there is a specific moment with his and everyone's character that was really well executed at giving a sense of despair.

I am not a one for enjoying real time JRPG combat since I am more after the longer adventurous stories these games like to offer. However the combat here was quite fun and varied; the linked arts were hella satisfying to pull off and I love how it encourages/rewards you to memorise them.

Although I think some of the dialogue could have used some work, the craziness in action goes a bit too far - which tests my ability to suspend disbelief - and some sections in missions are atrocious, this might be one of the best campaigns in the series.
One of the best parts is how your choices actually affect what happens in the story, no bullshit regarding only one choice at the end. The characters from the first game like Hudson and Woods get fleshed out more. Finally, Raul Menendez is a ten times better villain than Dragovich for having a sympathetic motivation and clever plan. I would say more but don't take my word for it, play it yourself and find out.

One of the best in the series alone for it's customisation. Custom games feel at their peak here with there being so many options to tweak and modify including what enemy team have what classes, etc. However I cannot comment much more since it's been forever since I indulged in the multiplayer.

While Town is a great small sandbox to play in, Black Ops 2 Zombies is not worth it if you don't buy the DLC. Tranzit is an awfully designed map that didn't do it's concept justice. I feel like it could have been viable if they made a few small changes:
- Remove those fog gremlins or make them way less frequent. The dense dust fog and the zombie horde are punishment enough for not taking the bus.
- Make the lava pits and flaming zombies way less frequent. Too many times have I been unfairly caught out due to my screen going blurry, it's an uneeded inconvenience.
- Rework the Wonder Weapon so it can actually be usable.
- Allow for the bus to be called to your location (like a bus terminal) so you aren't stuck waiting at the same location for ages. The maps biggest flaw is how if the mystery box disappears or if you need to get another perk, you have to spend ages getting from one place to the other. And I've already established how annoyingly tedious running through the dust cloud is.
- Rework the electric boss. They aren't fun to fight and they are an additional annoyance on a map that's built around inconveniences.
- Make Pack-a-Punch much easier to get. The zombies get stronger every round so the fact that, unless you are really skilled, have to do this long winded method to assess Pack-a-Punch is mind boggling.