2 reviews liked by SuperBigGulp

Some stupid mutt in a dead end job gets lost in his own thoughts and becomes radically communist.
This game is deadly underrated and had me laughing out loud and at the brink of crying at a couple points. Sure, some of the mini-games suck, but this game is pure grungy arthouse pleasure and I wish the interactive medium had more devs like Jeremy Couillard to make games like this.


bless this block of brutalist swiss cheese. running through abandoned airport gates and skating for miles across impossible tree canopies is something i didn’t know i was missing in my heart.

as i figure out my final 3DS library choices, adding this game into the dreamcast themed shelf rounds out the shape of how the console feels to hold in my hands and spin in my mind. it carries with it subspace ghost towns that can never become something more.

and yet, here, they can just be—loosely guided along by waypoint collectibles & the bustle of unknowable enemies. guiding words are stripped away to let the player find out if they want to play here, to learn a bit more as they go. it’s unpolished & opaque, but considered enough that it never feels rushed to me. i get to ask myself what could be if we designed games with a purpose that doesn’t need to be known. i like the answers that come out.

in a lineup that is bite sized and structured (asked by its handheld mold), automaton lung gives the 3DS a liminal labyrinth that acts as a holographic swan song, a gem that will shine brightest on its tiny lenticular screen.

1 list liked by SuperBigGulp