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I was never interested in those Dynasty Warriors games at all, but I saw that they made one based on the events of Breath of the Wild pre calamity and I was just too curious.

The main reason I never cared for these games is because they always seemed like all you do is mash buttons and turn off your brain, which doesn't sound engaging or fun at all. After having played this one, I can say that my preconception of this gameplay formula wasn't totally accurate, but it wasn't 100% wrong either (At least when it comes to this game)...

I liked seeing these characters again, and there is definitely some fun to be had with performing combos and destroying these massive hordes of enemies with most of these characters. However, I was not a fan of the approach they took for the story of this game, I thought it was gonna be a re-telling of the story pre BotW, and how the whole fight for Hyrule went down before Link was defeated.

Instead, this game is just a what if scenario, with time travel and a happy ending where nobody actually died and Ganon was defeated for good from the very beginning. And yeah, I liked seeing Mipha meet with future Sidon, or Riju and Urbosa...But was it really worth it to ditch the actual story and make this game not canon just to have moments like those?

But in reality, my biggest issue with this game is just that it is TOO repetitive and tedious. Again, there is only so many times I can mash the Y or X button mindlessly and fight against giant enemies that take like a million hits to die before I get sick of it.

Not only that, but the game constantly will throw you in levels that are just massive areas that you must explore, while constantly move back and forth, between different characters, and all while you are mashing through the same hordes of enemies and giants over...and over....and OVER again.

By the time I was about to reach the end of the game, I was already sick of it! So when the game threw me in another massive map full of giants that would deplete my health like it was nothing, while I had to hit them a million fucking times and half...I just couldn't bother anymore! I just dropped it and watched the ending on YouTube instead.

I guess it isn't a bad game...I just really wasn't a fan of the approach they took with the plot, and I really don't like this gameplay formula. It's fun for a bit, but after you play for 20 minutes you have pretty much experienced the whole game; just tedious and repetitive button mashing and combo spamming for way too long.

If you actually like the Dynasty Warriors games, chances are you will actually enjoy this one...But this ain't for me. I abandoned it, but funnily enough, I didn't learn from my experience; after all...This is not the only Warriors game I'm gonna be talking about.