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It's time I talk about one of my favorite game series. I will talk about each game individually, but there are some things I can mention about this collection.

It simply delivers on what it needs to do. No fancy UI, no bonus material, concept art, music or anything like that. This is just the first three games in the Ace Attorney franchise and that is pretty much it.

I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing, but compared to a game like The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, it is a bit lacking. However, they did add the bonus case made for the DS port of the first game, which is appreciated.

I also think this version of the game is probably one of the better ones out there, if not the best. Not only do you get to play these amazing games on a handheld like in their original console, but I do also prefer the way this game looks compared to the HD version on newer consoles and Steam. It just looks more faithful to the original artstyle of these games.

Overall, if you have never played these games before, I would recommend you to get this version of the game if you can, or just in general. It's a damn good trilogy and definitely worth your time.