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1 day

Last played

June 24, 2024

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This is my personal favorite metroid game and it's the one I find myself coming back to more and more and more. The horror direction this game takes is incredible, leaving you tense the whole time, afraid of what's to come, not helped by the massive damage increase and the looming threat of the SA-X. Each encounter with it especially is chilling, with special mention going to it's first appearance with it's pure white eyes. It is such an effective jumpscare, and it makes me wish other metroid games tried to pursue this direction. The plot is really really good as well, being a lot more direct with it's storytelling, but still using it's environment to help back it up. Unfortunately the English version does suffer from a slight mistranslation that makes Dread a little confusing plot wise, but it's not enough to really hinder it. The linear direction is also pretty fun! You would think it wouldn't work for a game like metroid considering the more open nature of these games, but with Fusion leaning into the horror, linearity feels perfectly natural, as the station gets more and more hostile, leaving you tense and weary by the end. I really do hope we get another horror metroid, but I'm perfectly happy with what fusion gave us if this is the only one.